Hi I have read several of the polycount links to this argument , but I have not found one explaining exactly the tips and tricks to use when having a workflow in creation process of those assets in 3dsmax, I mean how to make so that each new item can snap exactly into position when in a game editor and how to measure and setup the dimensions of snapping borders or the like in 3dsmax .
The only. i have found that makes reference is a 3dmotive tutorial. But it needs to be paid ... Anything else free or any tip for that only setup part?
Some exporters won't use the objects pivot but will use the pivot point of the world, so on export you move your object to 0 0 0 and then export, or just make sure your objects pivot is set to 0 0 0 and check how it snaps by moving copies of it around, snapped to the grid.
Keep to the grid.
Also, the first link that Eric pointed to is old info, it deals with old bugs that they worked on in newer versions of max.