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Hand Painted Shield.

polycounter lvl 4
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Twotents polycounter lvl 4
Greetings and salutations my fellow poly counters!

I have been experimenting with hand painted texturing sculpting in zbrush and baking maps.

I think I am finally starting to get the hang of some of it especially optimizing meshes and textures.

This is my first real attempt at a full asset from start to finish I have the horrible habit of starting something and then going "Ooooh shiny I want to make that" and forgetting about my previous project.

Please feel free to critique I would greatly appreciate it.

My personal critiques are.

The seams from not having edge padding on my bake though it looks mostly like a happy accident.

and theres too much noise on the wooden slats and not enough noise on the steel.

Thanks to everyone who comments!



  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    Also the maps are at 512x512 this was for a school assignment ^^
  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    *selfish bump*
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey! If I can give you some critic to make this better.
    First You are using pretty much the same color with different value. It would make the overall thing way more interesting to bring some more color and variation in the wood and in the metal too. Painting some highlight on the metal could help.
    Keep it up!
  • dinfet
    Listen to Tits, that person makes sense! Added a few colors will help in creating that hand painted look and create visual interest. You shield currently looks flat so painting in shadows and highlights could help greatly. I suggest looking for hand painted style concepts of a shield then try to make a 3D asset out of it. You don't need to pick one the is really difficult to model but that may be better for practice. Keep it up!
  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    thanks tits and dinfet I appreciate the critique! I will find some references that I like and try and work off of them!
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    I'd like to echo what Tits and Dinfet said. I really think it could use some highlights/shadows and contrast.

    Also, the scratches on the wood don't really make sense. If the wear and tear is from a blunt or sharp object striking the shield, it makes no sense for most of the scratches to be on the bottom of the shield (That's the place I would expect to have the least amount of scratches, if any). Also I would vary the size of the scratches (They're all pretty much the same size). I think there are too many scratches as well. Try and do more with less.

    Also, if you are sculpting everything in Zbrush. It might help in the future to store a morph target before you sculpt in the details, etc. Or you could sculpt in the details in a separate layer. That way you can easily erase or correct anything you decide to change later.

    You're off to a great start though! Keep it up!
  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks Tobbo I see your points and understand them, I will do another model with all of these critiques in mind and post when I am done hopefully with improvements :)
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