(May have to watch in youtube to see full overlay notes)
Looking for someone who can help replace our shit-tastic collision system here.
I'M so desperate that I'm willing to pay for the work.
Collision is the only thing really holding this project back. The engine is just so close to being done!
However with these issues remaining the project is so very ****ed... 7 years down the tubes.
Collision issues
1: Sonic Acts as if he is hitting his head on a ceiling when jumping next to a wall.
2: Sonic can't walk over steps smoothly when moving slow.
3: When walking around in an area with a low ceiling and walking near a wall sonic gets pushed into the ground. (He can not walk up a step to the this area) (The area is higher than Sonic's collision Cylinder)
4: Level rotation collision is pretty funked up when jumping next to walls , effecting his jump height, jump speed and also getting stuck in the floor when landing.
5: Steps do not work on level rotation sections unless sonic is on the ground floor.
also some notes:
That the second portion of the video with world rotations did not capture very well. it seems running fraps kind of fixed the wall collision issues (Somewhat) for some reason.
They are still noticeable though.
P.S. I know the issue is not geometry related. Even though the level appears to be made out of cubes, both the level's invisible Collision mesh, and Visible non collision mesh are both solid pieces of geometry, all vertex are welded with no open holes.
Also with a custom max script each vertex is snapped to grid points without float imperfections.
The Collision mesh uses 1 Material ID, unlike the visible mesh. And it is using per poly collision. ( the wall bump issue is still relevant with udk collision cubes)