Model looks good. Cool render, a little insane on contrast tho. Your whites and blacks are too intense.
It looks like your lamps are on without sending out light and your rims are self illuminating. (on your wireframe the rims look different?) I can barely see the material definition of the tires. Also your black metal is nearly as reflective as your chrome, I would make it a little more matte maybe
Also maybe take another color for the seat, pink dosnt really fit in your overall composition
Thanks for the feedback, Shrike, I worked the materials a bit and turned off the lights for now. I plan on starting the low tomorrow. Feedback, tips, anything at all is very much appreciated!
Just a quick update, I have started the low poly, late today. Here is the progress. I'd like to know if I'm on the right track. As always, feedback is most welcome.
Thanks for taking the time.
I'd have another look at the highpoly if I was you.
There are a lot of lumps and bumps, some missing control loops, the panneling isn't really clean, and some bigger stuff (front bumper looks molten, the cover over the wheels seems extremely thin).
And your render hides a lot of that stuff, I would suggest sticking to a really basic render to spot all those things. (just a grey material with some spec/gloss, some lights, just very basic)
Hello, I haven't posted in about a week. Here is an update
I went and fixed the high poly and the car body is one mesh now, cleaner.
For now I have done just the car body in low and just did a quick bake. I noticed some issues which I will go back and fix. For now here are the UVs and a quick marmoset render.
Hello, it has been a while since I updated this thread.
I'd like to post what I think is the finished model with a small cutout environment for a turn table.
nice turntable... but I would say your lighting isn't that flattering, i would try making the lampost light a bit more yellow (not a yellow light but a warmer white) and i would replace the sky dome/refmap with something a bit more twilighty blue or evening sky to contrast with the yellower lamp
also both sets of lamps are featureless and would look far more realistic with a decent texture. the car should simulate the caustic behaviour of the headlights and the lamp needs some collected dirt etc. bright parts of a night scene attract the eyes so its worth spending a little extra time on these
It looks like your lamps are on without sending out light and your rims are self illuminating. (on your wireframe the rims look different?) I can barely see the material definition of the tires. Also your black metal is nearly as reflective as your chrome, I would make it a little more matte maybe
Also maybe take another color for the seat, pink dosnt really fit in your overall composition
Thanks for taking the time.
Feedback is always welcome.
There are a lot of lumps and bumps, some missing control loops, the panneling isn't really clean, and some bigger stuff (front bumper looks molten, the cover over the wheels seems extremely thin).
And your render hides a lot of that stuff, I would suggest sticking to a really basic render to spot all those things. (just a grey material with some spec/gloss, some lights, just very basic)
this screen shows the problems to:
I went and fixed the high poly and the car body is one mesh now, cleaner.
For now I have done just the car body in low and just did a quick bake. I noticed some issues which I will go back and fix. For now here are the UVs and a quick marmoset render.
Thanks for looking. C&C always welcome!
I'd like to post what I think is the finished model with a small cutout environment for a turn table.
also both sets of lamps are featureless and would look far more realistic with a decent texture. the car should simulate the caustic behaviour of the headlights and the lamp needs some collected dirt etc. bright parts of a night scene attract the eyes so its worth spending a little extra time on these