Hello everyone, my name is Graham. For a while now, I've been interested in teaching people much of what I know in 3ds max and now I've decided to make that idea become real. I've never taught anyone anything before, and I feel that as artists, there is always room for improvement and to grow; however, I have enough experience with 3d modeling and texturing to teach people how to make a game-ready 3d model and implement it into the Unreal Development Kit and the Source Engine.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8:00 PM Eastern, I'll be going over the fundamentals of the various features inside of 3ds max, how to construct your own model in max, and my texturing techniques in Photoshop as well as how to implement this model and texture into UDK and SDK. I'll be modeling a weapon for the "Medic" class in Team Fortress 2 and submitting it to the Steam Workshop.
If you are interested in signing up for this free mini 3d modeling live stream, please follow me over Twitter and Twitch. Regarding Twitter, I'll only post tweets regarding times that I'm going to live stream. There are hundreds of tutorials on YouTube on how to create your own 3d model, texture it, and even make it game ready by implementing it into a game engine; however, the major benefit to this over those tutorials is my presence. I'll be there to try and answer questions to those who're interested.
On all three days that I'll be live streaming, I'll post an announcement in this thread.
Key features I will Teach:
1. Fundamentals of 3ds max features, such as: Basics of Primitives and Splines, Editable Poly, Editable Spline, Various Useful Modifiers, Pros and Cons to using a Boolean, and much more.
2. Unwrapping your models: What you should and should not do, and how to prepare for texturing.
3. Using Photoshop to create a Diffuse, Specular and Normal Map without 3rd party plugins like NVidia Tools.
4. Basics of Rigging and Skinning.
5. Importing your game-ready weapon into UDK, and SDK and submitting it to Valve's Team Fortress 2 "Steam Workshop".
Tools you will need:3DS Max 2013 ~ I recommend a trial or student version.WallWorm 3DS Max 2013 Tools ~ For Exporting .SMDPhotoshop CS6Team Fortress 2 Photoshop BrushesUnreal Development Kit ~ Just to import your model. Not to get the weapon into your characters hands.Source Development Kit ~ Download from Steam under "Tools". I'll show how to get your weapon into a Team Fortress 2 character's hand.You can view some of my art here:http://graham3d.carbonmade.com/https://sketchfab.com/graham3d/recentFollow me on Twitter to see exactly when I'll be live streaming:https://twitter.com/_Graham3D_http://www.twitch.tv/graham3d/old
No; however, once the stream is done, you'll be able to watch it as a video. One of the coolest features about Twitch is that once the stream finishes, you can re-watch it as a video.
For those who're interested, please do follow me on Twitter for the sake of knowing exactly when I'll be streaming. I'll give everyone a 15 minute buffer time before 8:00 PM Eastern Time to get into the stream. I highly recommend registering on Twitch as well. You'll be able to watch the stream without registering, but you won't be able to ask me questions. Register early instead of during the stream so that I'll better be able to answer your question at a swifter rate. Check the initial post for my twitter/twitch info.
I hope everyones also having a great day!
I'll teach as followed:
Day 1: Tools, Shortcuts and more for 3ds max.
Day 2: You will learn how to create a model from scratch using the skills learned from day 1, as well as how to unwrap a model.
Day 3: With your model finished, I'll teach people how to rig his or her model. I will also show people various texture techniques, and I'll thoroughly go over what a diffuse, specular, opacity, normal and emissive is. I will show the importance of how a specular and normal map rely on each other. Afterwards, I'll teach everyone how to get their now textured and rigged model into two different game engines (Source SDK by Valve and Unreal Development Kit by Epic Games).
I will be modeling a simple light fixture that I saw at my work today, I figure that I could utilize all five unique texture maps to show the importance of them. I'll show people how to do a very simple rig so everyone understands the basics of rigging.
If you're interested, read more about what programs I'll be using and where to get them here, as well as misc tools such as brushes and more...
*This three day live stream will be entirely free, and will be watchable as a video after its complete*
Awesome of you to put so much effort in for the community!
Where can I find the videos now? I'm really struggling with texturing (Unwrapping my models and creating the textures themselves)
Thanks in advance!