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Looking for help | Dota 2 Naga Siren sword

This seemed like the right place to put this, so I apologize in advance if it wasn't.

I'm currently working on a sword for the Naga Siren. I'm still a beginner at 3ds Max, but I want to see this project finished.


The handle is something I haven't done yet, as I've gone through a few changes on it and I haven't quite come up with something I liked.

I wanted some expert opinions on how it looks, and if it fits the style of the Naga Siren. It's currently 151 polys.

Some things I'd like some help with is:
-Creating a handle that fits the blade
-Creating a high/low poly version (151 seems pretty low, so I'd like to add some detail to it)
-Unwrapping uvmap
-General modeling advice/tips

Any and all help is appreciated, but please keep in mind I'm still new to a lot of this.


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