I am looking for a concept artist that is capable of providing concepts for futuristic vehicles\weapons\props\environments of all kinds. The game will be a top down 3D shoot em up with some special game play mechanics.
I need a concept artist capable of producing concept drawings that can then be used by 3D artists to base their models from. I will provide samples of concepts I like that you can also base your concepts from. However, you are free to take those designs in any direction you wish. I would prefer concept artists that have some experience providing concept drawings to 3D modelers or that have worked with 3D modelers in the past.
Now for the second part of this request. Although, we are looking for concept artists, we are always on the hunt for talented artists. So if you have skills in modeling futuristic 3D vehicles, buildings, props, weapons, characters and landscapes we would love to hear from you! The ideal situation would be a team that works together in an office or is nearby and able to easily communicate with each other.
ALL positions are PAID positions. Please send portfolio links to:
Thank you and best of luck with your searches and artwork!
I require the modelers to work in Maya or at the very least be able to import their creations into Maya as I have written a custom plugin that works in Maya. Level assets are placed and lit using a custom editor that is written by me. The editor uses common commands and workflows so if you have used any type of level editor before you should be able to pick this one up fairly easily.