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Random edges disappearing in Maya 2013

polycounter lvl 9
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SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9

So I began to do some housecleaning on my mesh since I realized it has too many polys and needs to be simplified. I saved a new copy of my mesh to be turned into a low poly shadow of its former self... But I'm running into problems. I'm selecting unneeded edgeloops and getting rid of them with the Delete Edge/Vertex function, however, I've been noticing that the more I do it, the more random edges all around the mesh keep randomly disappearing.

I know your first reaction is "Maybe you selected them by accident". No, it's not. Selecting it by accident wouldn't have broken complete edgeflows in random pieces on edges completely unrelated to the selected area, nor would it start inventing new lines on ocassion to redirect and cause countless issues in topology. The more I do it, the more random edges disappear. I've tried fixing it with the Split Polygon tool, but then more edges disappear as I go along and the cycle never ends. Not only that, but half the time the Split Polygon Tool doesn't work and the only way I can make it function for even a second is to constantly be deleting my history.

Is this a glitch in Maya? What is causing this?


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