Hey guys, this is my first piece that I am really proud of and I spent a lot of time on even though I was sick. It was an assignment for my Materials & Lighting class at school, I managed to meet the deadline at the last second. :poly121:
This scene was modeled and rendered in Maya 2012 with mental ray. The assignment was to set up a scene for a scientist's desk or a wizard's desk. Anyways let me know what you think, things I could if I were to use this as a portfolio piece (or if I should bring it into UDK then use that instead). My render settings were set to HD 1080, Final Gathering and an Ambient Occ.

Earlier Stage

When I first look at the image my eyes go all over the place. think of it as an illustration and focus on one area in the scene (preferably the glassware on the table). Maybe have the stuff in the background faded or darker. Also there are too many colors which is harsh on the eyes.
the generator in the back needs lighting its too dark.
I am not a lighting expert so maybe a lighter can chime in...
there are many spots where you cant tell whats going on at all.
and whats even more of a problem, the materials you want to show are realy hard read!
maybe it could also hepl to lighten the diffuse values of your sourrounding room.
like to see a new brighter more homogeniously lit version !
I'm going to watch some more videos on lighting. I also want to flood the room with coils of wires on the ground and hanging from the rafters.
Thanks again for the feedback