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Caveman Cartoon Shading!

polycounter lvl 6
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stitchshift polycounter lvl 6
Hello Everyone,

I have some tech talk I would like to throw out there.

Me and my business partner are fellow Indies and are trying to get our little launch title off the ground... A bit of background I know you didn’t ask for it but there it is...

Anyway we are setting out to make a flash game using quirky colours and what not – the typical flash standard. Our visual motivation is “Rayman Origins” - a very cell shaded style with a minimalist colour palette.

We wish to save ourselves a lot of time by avoiding the classical – hand drawn animation sets frame by frame and losing sleep for the foreseeable future.

I suggested the 3D model route (using rigged 3D models to render out animation sets) so my business partner has sent me away to create some 3D examples using our chief character “Cogman”.

I am basically aiming to create a near identical visual look for our flash drawn counterpart...

Because I speak mostly garbage I will simplify my request...

Basically I need the 3D model below to look like the 2D flash drawn image below. I have investigated toon shaders briefly but having never used them I was hoping a veteran could point me to some half decent advice or recommendations to achieving this style on our 3D model.

Thank you in advance! :)



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