I just finished this piece for The Halloween Horror Nights Character design contest. I learned about it a few days before it was due, but i pretty happy with the way it turned out. I will find out the top 5 in the next few days, wish me luck

The Image is final but crits are always welcome!

As far as your image goes, I can dig it, strikes me as a very tall, hulking rendition. I'm also really digging the phantom of the opera face.
I've seen plenty of takes on Quasimodo, and this is a really cool take on him. Only crit i could give is that the trousers (I'm assuming they're trousers) have quite rounded ends. Ripped fabric would appear more frayed and 'sharp' in terms of the silhouette. As they are currently it looks quite 'viscous', almost like thick mud running down his legs.
Hope that helps.
Congratulations on completing your piece, unfortunate that you noticed the contest slightly late. All the best
Unfortunately I didn't get picked, I have a feeling it was due to what TheWildHunt said about making a body cast that big because the ones they chose were... interesting. You can check them out here.