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polycounter lvl 8
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IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
Hello fellow polycounters!!

Up next on my modeling extravaganza, is the PPSh-41. This is the high poly as it stands now. Gunna start rockin the low here soon unless someone catches something that i missed. CC's, like always are more than welcomed :)

Im sure everyone knows what it looks like, but here are some references, just in case



  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    well i myself already noticed that i need to scale up the forward sight block, and add that hook on the left side. missed that bad boy completely :)
  • Tim270
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    Tim270 polycounter lvl 6
    Check the proportions of the rear receiver, looks a big squashed, magazine looks quite wide, idk, It looks nice but definitely give it a once over scale wise as I think the whole thing is a little too wide.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Good work so far. HP is looking pretty bakable. Just some thoughts bouncing around when I look at the model.

    I'm all for the use of floats, And they are often much faster and more practical in a work environment. That said. Two things

    1. I personally like to challenge myself and model geometry as it appears in real life. Just because it will never be harder to go to floats compared to completely integrated geometry, but if your ever called on to integrate complex geometry, you'll be ready if that's what you practice. If you already practice, And your called on to use floats, It will be a piece of cake.

    2. Some things will bake better if they aren't floats. In particular, I have concerns about the "Strips" running the back portion of the receiver, right in the FP View. Depending on where the geometry ends up on the low poly and in turn how the cage ends up dictating projection, you may see errors there, or unwanted results. In addition, You may run into problems when baking AO with so many floats. I hear you have to turn off shadow casting, or something to that effect. I can't speak to how that effects the quality, But it's something to keep in mind.

    Not to mention, it shows a higher level of technical ability to be able model some shapes like these without using floats.

    Another area of concern would be the same as Tim, On the stock. It appears quite wide. I may have a different reference than you, But the only planar(flat) portion I see on that stock is where that metal bracket is, Everything around it is curving. Immediately after that bracket, the curve starts working its way down. The portion where the stock meets (or close to meets) the receiver it appears that your curve is sort of abrupt, and blocky. That part of the stock mimics the shape of the receiver and has a more elongated curve.

    Apologies for such a crude paint over. :)


    The only other part that could use some work would be the piece surrounding the barrel. The cutouts from it are pretty nice, But i would loosen up the control loops around the flat portions and let the curve of the ends connect a bit more naturally. and the one closest to the player jumps out as odd, Sense one corner is raised up higher and skewed.


    These things aren't all that important, But things I personal would have done differently. Just my opinion here :) Model is looking good. Like Tim said, it could just use a once over to adjust scale and edge widths and stuff without too much fuss. If your feeling ambitious you could tackle other changes.

    P.S. Might want to widen up the edges on the front sight, They are looking a bit tight atm.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Looks good so far

    A couple things, your magazine is clearly too wide. The one in the reference is maybe half of yours. I prefer the barrel mag anyways, its the stereotypical form you think of if you imagine a PPSH and just balances 5x better visually.

    Btw what is with all those floaters, they look ugly and do not make sense
    - the form around the trigger looks too big somewhat

    Also the charm of those old weapons comes a lot from this variation in shape. They are bend and various ways and not straight like your model. They are not perfect and made per hand or not so advanced machines or whatever. Just look at the middle part of the first reference. If you can visualize that in your mesh + a good texture then im impressed.
    Aside it looks nice so far
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    Tim- Thanks for the eye on the width, you were def right about the magazine. I fixed that and i wasn't entirely sure on the stock but i did bring it in a tad.

    s620- thanks for all the notes!
    1. yea generally i like to model in all the pieces too. This time i just decided to go for speed. And for the indents in the back of the front iron sight, i actually did a test bake because i was worried about that exact issue, and it came out pretty clean actually.

    Also, i was curious about that last opening too. I have this reference that shows it going up in the back like that. Other references i have, show the same as yours with all of them the same shape, but for uniqueness, i thought i would be different. If its just the angle of the reference, its a simple fix which will be nice :)

    Shrike- the use of floaters makes it faster for high to low bake process. This piece im going for speed. Generally i model everything in, but for this particular model im going with floaters. They make sense if you think about the end result..

    fixed circular openings in barrel
    fixed width issues on stock and clip mag
    added hook on barrel and attachment hook on stock
  • Co1e
    please post a base mesh wireframe. :D
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    a couple wire shots...
    btw, after that fix, there was some added pinching on the nose of the barrel which is fixed now

  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    and also, this is the blueprint image of the backview of the stock. It was really bothering me that my stock wasn't curved enough but i pulled this up and its pretty much directly lined up with it. Guess its more vertical than i thought...
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    cant decide on if i should add the strap or not... thoughts?

  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Most definitely keep the strap, it adds some diversity. It looks a tad short though.

    Keep it up!
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    This is my favorite gun, I love you. But the strap looks odd up there.
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the quick feedback guys.

    AlexCatMasterSupreme- odd like how? you have any suggestions on where else to place it? maybe just let it hang? Because i know people have done this gun in the past i wanted to add some uniqueness to it but if it throws the whole piece of somehow then yea i definitely want to fix it
  • Ich 666
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    Ich 666 polycounter lvl 9
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    The strap is really cool, makes it a lot more vivid. The way you put it keeps the balance of the whole form which is really nice.
    Needs some gravity adjustments on the part over the mag probably
  • KnechtRuprecht
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    KnechtRuprecht polycounter lvl 6
    I would definitely keep the strap, but it looks a little bit weird at at the place where the strap disappears behind the stock,it looks a little bit like chewing gum.
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    cool guys, thanks for the feedback! kept the strap and moved forward to the low poly.
    Here is how the body of the gun turned out post bake

  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    cant decide on if i should add the strap or not... thoughts?


    i love
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    insane man, very nice work
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the nice words guys!

    unfortunately im on a vacation right now for the 4th but, il have those textures done as soon as i get back, i promise :)
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Strap looks cool, do you care to share your method?
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    not totally sure how to feel about that bake. would you mind posting an FPV shot?

    it's hard to tell from the given angle but you may want to be allocating a lot more tris to the areas closest to the eye in FPV.
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    amsterdam- i can't unfortunately right now because im not at my home computer, but i have been wondering that. The gun with both attachments and the strap is only coming in at 6500 tri's so i do have some wiggle room. I think when i get back home, im going to do some quick retouching of the lp, add in some polys and rebake.

    i wanted to still keep it somewhat low even though next gen sub machine guns are going to be around 15-20k but i could still probably push it to 8 or 9 if i wanted to.

    thanks for the second opinion and the good eye :)
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    and computron, its just a simple box, with a FFD thrown on top to mold it into shape. then did a quick and messy unwrap so you can put a quick bump map in the bump slot. then throw a turbosmooth on top and your good to go!
  • silkroadgame
  • IsparticusI
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    IsparticusI polycounter lvl 8
    Alright... so, finally after a 2 week vacation, and spending some time on an art test, finally got back around to this..

    fixes implented
    -higher polycount for fpv
    -tweaked bakes

    Hope everyone enjoys :)

  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    That turned out really great, you nailed the wood in the texturing :)
    Going to look at this next time I texture realistic wood ;)

    Two things I would fix, one is adding a few more segments to the strap and using shadows when presenting it, cause now it lacks shadows it seems which makes it look flat.
    And remove the glow around the text, seems a bit unprofessional in my opinion.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Its hard to tell without a FPV shot, But it appears those floats on the back may have baked a shadow around the edge of them. Specifically the top segment, It has a black line over it, That i'd imagine you could just paint out in the AO. I would ad a few more segments to the strap at the point it rests on the stock as well. Again, hard to say without FPV. But it seems a bit chunky.

    It looks like your texturing is off to a good start, but some thoughts I have:

    1. The metal appears too rough. Even if the gun is beat up, The specular highlight is going to be a lot smaller, and glossier looking than this. Hike up the gloss map values for the metal

    2. The metal is quite light at the moment. It could be quite a bit darker. And use more range in value. Right now the contrast is pretty low on it, and bigger shapes seem to be lacking.

    3. The wood is very plastic like right now. Notice how in the picture below, There is no bump or surface change except for dings/damage. right now it looks like you have the grain pattern in the normals as well and that makes it look a bit strange.

    4. Also referencing the below image, The wood could use larger shapes in the diffuse/spec as well. Grain direction is looking good atm, But most woods don't have a consistent value like this. And the ones that do are boring! don't look at those :) More contrast in the wood would go a long way.

    5. Notice the specular highlight size on the wood below. Its very broad, Very soft, Not very reflective. This obviously depends on the wood you're using for you ref, sense they are all different. But I'd work on the spec/gloss relationship with the wood.


    Good work so far. Look forward to it refining
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