Hey guys been working on this for a bit and wondering if I could get some feedback.
Layout based on a concept by
Sam Brown

To Do-Add Pipes coming out of open panels
-Texture the Wall section with the screen (its just block colours atm)
-Add glass to windows
-Make outside landscape
-Another texture pass across the environment
-Several more lighting passes
-The Hallway seems very narrow compared to Sam Brown's concept pieces.
-For this sci-fi style, everything should be minimalistic and sleek. Your lights right now feel very boxy and low-tech compared to the rest of the scene.
-You should be playing with the lighting fairly early. I would recommend ditching your emissive lighting (it's expensive and gives you very little control) and instead go with spotlights, since they'll have real directionality (assuming you're matching the concepts). Point lights will wash out the scene.
-The key to Sam Brown's concepts (and many sci-fi scenes in general) is in specularity and reflectivity. For something like this I would actually work with just normals/spec/gloss to begin with and save the diffuse for the very end. Ideally you'd want the diffuse to just be dirt surrounded by a dark/midtone gray. Let your specs and reflections bring out the colour you're after.
I decided to get rid of the outside view for now anyway, felt it was in my best interest to focus on the corridor itself for now.
(NOTE the light models I am using are some default ones that come with UDK. I will model my own once I am happy with the lighting set up.)
Imagine you encounter your corridor in a game , and you already know where to go, the eye leads you right to the goal of the corridor, smack in the middle of the players line.
I'm not saying that I'm some kind of guru for these things :P and I wish I myself had a better portfolio to back it up! but I just want to give you a heads up before you move on. What you have now is basically what you'll end up with , maybe with a space barrel in there as well xD
Being an environment artist is not only about being able to make nice textures, or being able to model complex shapes , it's also about making interesting and beautiful art. And knowing what makes good and beautiful art.
I know you know it as well, you just need to remember to apply it to your own work.
I mean this is also a corridor, but it opens up to more possibilities. This one has got two floors and interesting and cool side-wall, interesting shapes at the top and several places for the eye to wonder and find interesting things.
It also has interesting lighting and detail without becoming overly noisy.
Just give it a think yeah? and do the changes you feel are appropiate to make it look more interesting. Always bounce your ideas on other people when you feel that you're stuck.
Good work so far though! I hope I'm not sounding too harsh! :thumbup:
Totally agree with what you have said, will take a good look at it tomorrow morning to see how I can make some changes to it.
Quick paintover poking at stuff ^^
Nice paint over.
But would it not look a little bit more interesting if the shades where somewhat down in like a de-functioning way? not sure.
That paint-over is awesome man!
It wouldnt read as mars if we didnt. Gotta appeal to the common imagery or noone will be able to relate. Also I just paint oversaturated :X haha.
Oh i know man
The scene looks really good but it is quite grey and lacks a bit of contrast, so with the red rock outside, it would look nice with some of the light bounce and colour bleed coming into the hallway. I'm excited to see how this scene develops!
Liking the start so far
Hopefully gonna make a lot of progress with the inside this weeks and then turn to the outside next. Would like to finish this up by the end of the month.
The sky box is not mine btw (UDK default)
To Do
-Add detail to upper part of opening wall panels
-Make content for the screens
-More Lighting and Post process work
-Fix up terrain
-Make outside stuff
-Another pass on the walls
-Model the rest of the lights
-Add Glass to windows
-Texture that pipe :P
Edit: got rid of every other bar on the windows just after posting, was blocking view too much.