Sorry to create a thread about this but I ve looked around the forums and couldnt find the answer to these questions.
1. Although there are plenty of hero models that haven't been released yet for item creating I still see people successfully creating items for heroes like venomancer. How do people do this? does this mean people can create items just like other heroes and have them considered for the actual game?
2. I've recently been doing concept art for equipment for outworld destroyer but its difficult to design for when I dont know what part of outworld is actually his base model or is part of his preset equipment. I know you can get his model from the dota workshop but I dont have the right software to open it and I dont intend to because i am not planning on doing 3d modelling since I dont have the patience but is there any way I can get a hold of a picture of the base model, or if someone could send me the picture.
3. I dont mean to sound greedy but the reason I'm designing concept art for equipment is primarily because I enjoy it but if some kind gent was to create my design would I get partial credit? I dont like the idea of spending a long time designing a set and not even be able to use it in game after its been created.
4. When making the equipment is it possible to remove material from the original model? Because I ve seen a few equipment pieces that look likes that has been done and if so I think I got a good idea.
1. You can decompile the models from the dota2 files. Its requires some software that is available for free and you propably wanna check out some tutorials on that since its a bit complicated if you have never done it. You cannot submit models for heroes to the workshop that are not supported by the compiler afaik.
2. You dont need to get deeply into modeling if you want to check out the models. There is lots of free software out there that makes it alot easier to view models and then create a concept. The models that are on the workshop page could for instance be opened with and the smd plugin. There are quite some tutorials out there which show you how that works. helljumper has a nice one on the basics of blender so you get to know how the camera works, how you move models and how to import/export stuff.
3. there is the option/possibility of revenue splitting which means the 3d artist who did your model and uploads it can put in the percentage numbers you agreed on so you get your share and i think the model, if accepted into the game.
It's probably not as clean as having the source files Valve offers, but it is something you can do for all Source games.
2) As for not wanting a 3D modeling program, Source SDK has a Model Viewer you could use. You'll have to install the Alien Swarm SDK (which is completely free), and set it up for Dota 2, which shouldn't be too hard.
3) You can always collaborate with another artist into making items together. I'm 99% positive Steam lets you add multiple people to an item in the workshop, and from there you can split the profits however you see fit.
I hope these answered your questions.
Edit: That's what I get for taking too long to post. Someone beat me to it :V
Submissions that aren't ready imported(broken down heros) will most likely be ignored as it will require work on valves end just to get it into the testing phase.
If your work is good offer it to a artist to make, make a deal on percentage profit and when its uploaded split the revenue accordingly.
As for OD's model here's a breakdown for you.
Color toned so hopefully it makes sense which part counts as which.
Also while I got you, as i said im doing concept art for an outworld destroyer set but I cant decide on the wings. The wings im designing are very simlar to these pictures of the internet ( mainly just coincidence). So the wing design will be either:
1. Dragon/Demon wings
2. Etheral wings
Which do you thing is better?
And just to be clear im just roughly basing the wing design of one of these im not cloning them