Hi All,
I am in the process of compiling my first modeled/sculpted/rigged charater model from 3ds Max to Source. This model is to be used as a custom "skin" to replace an existing model in a Valve Source game (L4D2) and there are a couple of little points I am confused about and would like to confirm.
Node Assignment:
In my exported smd files the bone/node number assignment differs from the original models node numbers - does this matter? I am not sure what the node numbers are used for in the engine and if the node numbers being differently assigned can cause say animation or hitbox errors.
In my exported model and phymodel smds the mesh itself gets counted as one node and is assigned a bone, whereas in the original models decompiled smds, only the bones get counted as nodes, the mesh itself isnt referenced. In my smds all of my tris for the meshes are prefeaced by the meshes node number, whereas in decompiled smds the tris are prefaced with (I assume) the corrosponding bones node number. Does this matter at all? How can I prevent the mesh itself being assigned a node?
When importing decompiled rigged models the root bone/node (normally the pelvis) imports to the coordinates 0, 0, 0 with 0 rotation - which basically means the model is lying on its back in the middle of the scene. Must I orient my skeleton/model the same for correct exporting and compiling? (atm model is standing up with the pelvis bone at 0,0,38 rot 90,0,0)
Finally does it matter where my meshes origin is set to in relation to the bone nodes - atm my model is standing in the center of the scene (see previous) and the meshes origin is at its feet at 0, 0, 0 - there are parameters in the qc file like the $illumposition and I dont know what their coordinates are given in relation to.
These are all irritating little differences or discrepancies between my model and the model I am trying to replace - however I have no idea of their possible potential significance.
If so, can I do this without disrupting the skin modifier? I spent 2 full days weighting the damn thing and really cant face doing it again. Is there some function in max that lets you either replace one bone for another of the same name, transfering the vertex data? Actually, whilst I am on the subject, is it possible to SAVE the skin modifiers weighting info to an external file in some way, so that if I have a model with the same vertex topology and I apply it to a skeleton with the same bone names I can just load in the weighting?