Its comming along very nicely!. However, when she puts the arrow in the bow it kinda looks like she brokes her arm. I took a pic to show it
I think the problem may be that the bow is standing too close to her body when putting the arrow on it. Other than that, awesome work!
Looks great, but can you show us an angle that more closely represents the game cam? From this angle anything before the 0:04s mark looks like her feet are way too far apart, but it might read way better from a top down perspective.
I could be wrong but it looks like when she is standing back up you simply transition from the ground posed keyframes to the idle stand keyframes, so it gives a very unnatural move up feel, as if she has super human core muscles.
Looking nice!!! However I feel that there is another problem. Right now animation looks like she was afraid of those arrows hitting the ground. Don't know how to solve this problem sadly. Maybe you should offset moment of arrows hitting the ground and her actually crouching. Just an observation. Overall it looks really nice!
Changed the draw animation so it flows a bit better (and looks better)
Added some keys in the last transition to look more realistic
Have 4 cameras setup to closely resemble the in-game camera angles
I feel like the beginning is a bit slow. I think the initial notch and draw could be sped up a little bit.
When she aims the bow up though there is a nice beat of nothing where she is aiming. Don't change that.
The bow doesn't snap back to its shape fast enough. Right now it feels....methodical. For as much tension as there is, I just don't feel it.
This one is more of a preference but the fact that she is dodging her own arrows she fired doesn't feel like a taunt. It feels like "Oh, holy shit, I didn't expect that to I have any new holes in my feet?" If you're trying to make it a taunt, I feel like she should be standing there defiant as they rain down around her. The way she ducks it right now makes her feel kind of amateurish or weak.
Ohhh getting close, really close. Loving it. The speed seems to be a little off, maybe .95 the duration of the original length.
I can see how people confuse the downward motion as her dodging her own arrows as well, but it didn't come across that way to me. More like a power slam into the ground.
Great improvement but I still feel that the legs during the initial phase are too far apart and give her a an awkward half-squatting feel. Also, agree with praetus that the start feels quite slow.
I can see how people confuse the downward motion as her dodging her own arrows as well, but it didn't come across that way to me. More like a power slam into the ground.
Without having access to any FX, the slam doesn't have as much impact (harhar). Also, There is little build up if that is what it is supposed to be. By that I mean because the arm stays extended from when it points in the air to when it hits the ground there is no power behind it. Even in a downward motion you'd be winding back the punch a bit.
Between not having access to FX to show impact and no wind up it looks as if she is dodging her own arrows. If it is supposed to be a slam, it lacks the oomph (sp?) to really show the raw power behind it.
-Sped up the draw slightly
-The release of the tension in the bow is faster (though i think it looks a bit weaker [I may need to add more 'bounce' or follow through on it])
-Added more power to the slam with a more visual windup, made her relax a bit, arc back (rather then extend and jump up) then slam
-Pulled her left leg in during the animation (the idle poses are what I'm judging from in-game and SDK shots)
Thankyou so much for the feedback guys (I'm so glad I came onto the forums, something I should do alot more often)
Agree with the bow strings needing more impact on the way back. You can always go back if you exagerate something too much, so don't be afraid to over exagerate things just to try if they work. You'd be surprised!
I really like the idea, but I feel the transition from the release to her thrusting the bow down feels really clunky. I can't pin-point the specifics of it, but the movement seems a bit too harsh. I think it just seems a bit odd that she arcs the bow even further back before thrusting to the ground.
Looks good though, can't wait to see some future revisions.
I think the problem may be that the bow is standing too close to her body when putting the arrow on it. Other than that, awesome work!
Changed the draw animation so it flows a bit better (and looks better)
Added some keys in the last transition to look more realistic
Have 4 cameras setup to closely resemble the in-game camera angles
Thanks for the tips and feedback guys
I can see how people confuse the downward motion as her dodging her own arrows as well, but it didn't come across that way to me. More like a power slam into the ground.
Without having access to any FX, the slam doesn't have as much impact (harhar). Also, There is little build up if that is what it is supposed to be. By that I mean because the arm stays extended from when it points in the air to when it hits the ground there is no power behind it. Even in a downward motion you'd be winding back the punch a bit.
Between not having access to FX to show impact and no wind up it looks as if she is dodging her own arrows. If it is supposed to be a slam, it lacks the oomph (sp?) to really show the raw power behind it.
-Sped up the draw slightly
-The release of the tension in the bow is faster (though i think it looks a bit weaker [I may need to add more 'bounce' or follow through on it])
-Added more power to the slam with a more visual windup, made her relax a bit, arc back (rather then extend and jump up) then slam
-Pulled her left leg in during the animation (the idle poses are what I'm judging from in-game and SDK shots)
Thankyou so much for the feedback guys (I'm so glad I came onto the forums, something I should do alot more often)
Added more bow recoil on release and more recoil follow through in windrunner herself
Looks good though, can't wait to see some future revisions.