Hello! I need some help with normal baking. I'm working on a prop. I'm done my high res model and at the retopo stage. I'm wondering if I should create a single cage around the entire model. Or if I should exlode it in to a few pieces (like the high poly) and then crash them back together after the bakes are done. I think there are pros and cons to both?
Note: It will be able to open, so I've already planned for a top and bottom piece. Wondering if I should break it in to more though.
I'll post some images of what I have currently and hopefully someone has some advice as to which route to take. Thanks!

So you can kind of see what I'm wondering. Hopefully Its clear from the images. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
generally if something has to move it does have to be exploded, otherwise, try to fuse as much of the LP together as is reasonable to avoid unnecessary exploding and wasted UV space. that piece you've highlighted in the last few shots should definitely be fused with the rest of the bottom on the LP, unless I'm misunderstanding something and it would have to animate.