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WIP Robert Downey Jr Bust

Hey All! I decided to do a bust of RDJ to improve my sculpting and texturing skills.

I'm keeping the first post with the latest WIP renders to keep this clean. Working on this on my off time from work so going to try and update at least every Tuesday.

update notes go here from now:
Did the zresh to get my lowest subdivsion around 2k tris as suggested. Tried to hit the notes neilberard posted. I'm pretty happy with where it is so far... needs more brow maybe? Also added the main face and side refs I'm using to compare.

Critique would be greatly appreciated!



  • bhong
    Finally found some time to work on this in between moving and working.

    Would greatly appreciate critques,I'll prob start trying to figure how to do his hair soon.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    something tells me you went up to higher subdivisions way way too soon , take a step back to level 1 of subdivision and set the cranial structure to be like the actor , then when you have those set just keep moving up subdvisions to detail :)
  • bhong
    Messed with the head proportions, should feel at least a bit better now. Updated top post. Eyes might be too high and mouth needs a bit more fudgin with I think...
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    I would zremesh this down to under a thousand polys and use the move tool to get the proportions right. It's okay to take this and even use see-though mode on top of an image to compare. Here are my thoughts....

    The head is narrow from the front
    Lip corners extend out too far
    side view needs help with jaw, the jaw line super sharp.
    eyes feel too wide.
  • bhong
    Did the zresh to get my lowest subdivsion around 2k tris as suggested. Tried to hit the notes neilberard posted. I'm pretty happy with where it is so far... needs more brow maybe? Also added the main face and side refs I'm using to compare. Pics above!
  • Torch
    Online / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    It doesn't really look like him... not to me anyway. Honestly I applaud your effort but getting a likeness to someone is one of the hardest things to do, it would be better to get a really solid understanding of facial anatomy beforehand as it's still quite lumpy, off in places, etc.
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    I think your problem is moderation, one of the most fun and surprisingly effective ways of getting someones likeness is caricature them, exaggerate ever detail possible, you'll get a more bold understanding of the likeness your creating which when you do go back to realism will help you see when you should hold back and when you should go wild.
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