I've seen some amazing renders from max viewports with Xoliul and 3PS etc so I think it's just a matter of working the specular and maybe adding some surface wear, but in general I actually quite like where this is heading! I think there's a few things you need do to really sell it though:
Firstly, pay attention to the real-world materials that you're texturing. The string and those bindings are probably too shiny but that depends on your reference. Secondly, get some detail in the textures, spec included. This is a great texturing tut that I've used in the past that would really help here I think [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8oC1HsjOgk"]Weapon creation tutorial - Part 4, final (Texturing) - YouTube[/ame]. Lastly, once you've tackled the surface detail, creating a bump map for use in you normal to pick out wood grain, scratches and flecks etc would really pop the specular. The ropes are included here and would really benefit from some ropey bump map. It's a really 'simple' model and to avoid it looking too bare you'll need to pick out some areas for roughing-up to balance the negative spaces.
The partially bent string is odd - it really would make more sense bent back behind the catch.
The bottom of the stock is often rounded to provide a more comfortable & reliable grip. The bands around the ends of the string seem anachronistic. They were typically either knotted or wrapped and glued: Also note the rope-like texture of the loop.
Darken the metal diffuse and brighten the spec. Add some more rope detail to the texture. Fix the string (it's in the arrow) Round up the stock. You can soften up all of your edges too.
I don't know whats wrong with the spec, but it's looks weird for me. Can you shop some flats texture?
Tha arrow looks wrong. Like the line is in the aroow.
The wood is very dark. Did you look at any reference while texturing this? Like any scratches or something.
Firstly, pay attention to the real-world materials that you're texturing. The string and those bindings are probably too shiny but that depends on your reference. Secondly, get some detail in the textures, spec included. This is a great texturing tut that I've used in the past that would really help here I think [ame="
Hope this helps and keep it up, looking cool!
The bottom of the stock is often rounded to provide a more comfortable & reliable grip.
Best of luck!
Ill fix up these issues when I can, Ill post some progress updates here