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Sketchbook: Annachikn

polycounter lvl 11
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annachikn polycounter lvl 11
Hey Guys! First post here on Polycount after countless years of lurking. I'm going to use this thread to post various Zbrush things. I hope to get better over time and improve my anatomy knowledge, hard surface sculpting and realistic detailing. I appreciate any crits or suggestions you may have!

First off, here are some head speed sculpts (1-2h) I've been trying to do each day.


Been trying to alternate female/male



And a quick polypaint of the bust




  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    So I decided to start working on a personal project of something that's been in my head for a few years now. Haven't really had any time until now. I suppose it is very fitting to the Metro 2033 universe being Russian themed and all.

    Here was a rough concept I did along with some of my favorite reference. I wanted to play with a post apocalyptic theme and incorporate some very iconic Russian-ness like with the fuzzy hat, AK47, soviet emblems and etc. The slightly colored concept on the right was my first iteration I drew a few years ago.


    I started with a Z-sphere and went from there. This was really good anatomy practice for me



    At this point I started blocking out the clothes, but the proportions were really bothering me. I did a drawover and found that the the form of the ribcage was really off, which made her look manish


    After a bunch of tweaking and further sculpting I got to a point where I was happy with it


    As for the face, looking back at my first iteration, I'm pretty happy with my result.


    Up next is going back to blocking out everything else. Any critiques on proportions/anatomy appreciated!
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Some progress blocking out the rest of the stuff

  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Did some work on the jeans and backpack today

  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Backpack! Backpack!

  • JamesHodgart
    Ha This is great!Incredible sculpt. Since it's a Metro character it could probably do with some more wear on the back pack :) Is this your workflow? Sculpt in zBrush the re-topo? By wear I mean similar to the bagback on here the Last of Us zBrushCentral page


    You could easily do that :)
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Hey James thanks for your feedback! I'm happy you brought up the Last of Us backpack! It's one of my reference images :) I've never sculpted anything worn down before, so I figured doing a wear and tear pass after I make everything look pretty solid is the right way to go. And yes, I'm doing everything high poly, and then going to retopologize/bake everything afterwards.
  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Finally some good progress! I worked quite a bit on the leather bomber, added shoelaces into the boots, and cleaned up the belt.



  • annachikn
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    annachikn polycounter lvl 11
    Here are some older progress shots I did a month ago. I just made a thread for this character where will post further in progress shots, it can be found here.




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