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The Twilight Sepulchrum

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NickGW polycounter lvl 7
I felt it was about time I put this out there and got some feedback and fresh eyes on it. It's based on one of the concepts for Destiny that was released during GDC.




I've been mostly tweaking the lighting and materials as of late, but let me know what you guys think, what looks off and so on.


  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    tldr: I talk about my initial goals for the environment and how I'm changing my approach to storytelling within the environment, however if you want to see pictures just scroll past the text wall.

    I've been away from this for a few weeks due to camping/vacation, but I've made some progress on the environment so I figured it was time for an update. In my initial post I didn't really go into my goals for the environment so I figure I should share those now. When I set out to make this environment I had 3 main goals in mind.

    1. Convey a strong atmosphere and mood
    2. Improve the way I tell or imply story within the environment.
    3. Expand upon an existing concept to develop a complete and cohesive style.

    Overall I feel like I've made a strong push in goals 1 and 3, but I've dropped the ball with 2. Initially my focus was on the large cube and the pedestal that it hovers over. I wanted to imply it was the source of power for the structure built around it. I spent a lot of time while camping thinking about how I could further push the narrative and came to the conclusion that I was focusing on the wrong element of the environment. Instead I'm going to take a stronger focus on the tomb-like qualities. I can go into more detail about that if you guys want but this is already becoming a lengthy post so I'll hold off on talking about that for now.

    Anthony Vaccaro recently made a post in Wester's thread about using several tiling trim texture sets instead of one to help create a less repetitive more diverse environment and I feel like that applies to this scene as well. I've only used one so far, but I plan on creating at least 1 more. I'm also making a few more props and detail pieces to help with the story telling problem within the scene. After all that I'll take the decoration props like cobwebs, rubble and decals and start decorating the parts of the environment I've neglected (mostly the open area in the back).

    That's it for now! Sorry for all the words!


  • mats effect
    I really like that concept too and I think you are making good progress.

    The floor in screen 1 looks very flat and boring at the moment try and get more dust and subtle cracks like in the concept.

    In general I would say the walls, statue etc could stand to be more dirty and dusty. Just read that you said you are going to do all that, so its all good :)

    I will watch this with one interest I think its going to look really awesome.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback mats effect! I agree with what you said about that floor in the front needing some more work. I'm probably going to vertex paint the walls and that floor to add the extra wear and age to them.

    I made a light fixture over the weekend so there is an obvious light source in areas that lacked one. Its designed in such a way that I can do a single or double version as well as ceiling mounted by chain so I might replace some of the double versions with those where it looks best. I'm moving onto working on those additional trim textures and creating a few more architectural modules to break up the large tiling brick surfaces. After that I'll either make the last few props or do the vertex painting and detailing.

  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    I like what you have so far, but I agree with mats, some more dust and dirt would make it look closer to the concept. The cobwebs will do a lot when you add them. Your cubes are really clear too. The cubes in the concept are cloudy or less transparent at least. The white ones near the gun are standing out a lot to me because of that.

    Subbing. I look forward to seeing more!

    Edit: Oh yeah, Moria from LoTR may be a good reference for materials too.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    I've gone back and forth on the cubes a lot while working on this. After doing the light fixture and getting a pretty good foggy effect with a sense of depth using just emissive I'll probably go back and apply what I learned to the cubes.

    I've actually been looking at a lot of ancient architecture for reference as well as other games but I'll check out some LoTR stuff too.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Made the first of the new trim textures and a few modules to break up the larger brick surfaces. Was also my first time using zbrush on a project. Starting on another trim set with will be all or mostly metal elements. I plan on using the metal trim for decorative parts of the scene. Here are a few shots with the new modules in place.


  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Big update time! I changed several of the stone materials to get some more dirt and detail in them via vertex painting (mostly for the brick wall). I've also made a handful of additional props and assets including a brick set, large vase, scroll, cable, jewelry, compass, metal trim set, tilable rock, larger cobweb broken column, and I remade the floor in the foreground of the main shot. I've also continued to tweak the lighting and post processing. Other than the main pedestal that the large cube hovers over I don't have any major assets planned, although there are several small ones I'd like to make if I need to.

    I also ran into a few problems, but nothing that has stopped me from moving forward. Running DX11 using the "Play on PC" option no longer works as it runs at a blistering 3fps instead of the usual 60 :( . The scroll asset also gave me some trouble because the material was causing certain areas that weren't masked to appear slightly transparent. It's since been fixed.

    As far as work that still needs to be done goes I still need to handle the dirt and age for the floor textures. Once I do that and create the pedestal I'll start decorating the rest of the scene with the props I've made. I'm at the final stretch so my goal is go finish up by the end of the week. However I did start my VGRemix scene this weekend so that might change.

    Now on to the screenshots :)!


  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Finally got around to adding wear and tear to the red floor. I also added dirt blending to the white marble tile material. The red floor uses an instance of this material as well so I can get dirt and sand there as well.

    I also spent some time coming up with ideas for the Pedestal that the large cube hovers over as well as what goes around it to show more of it's purpose. I had envisioned a large telescope-like object that hangs above the cube. A beam either emits from the telescope or the cube. The design of the telescope is inspired by old brassy scientific instruments with dials and gears. If I go with the telescope idea I want to put a crank and some kind of lever or slider that could be used to rotate the cube and zoom in and out the telescope lens.

    My plan is to have the pedestal done and the telescope started on by the end of this week. If anyone has any thoughts on the pedestal and telescope designs let me know.


  • Bonkahe
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    Bonkahe polycounter lvl 12
    Reminds me strongly of the ruins in oblivion...

    That being said it has been made with very good quality, it just seems kinda sterile and boring at the moment, I can't exactly put my finger on it, maybe later I'll get on and see if I can see was it is with a fresh set of eyes.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback Bonkahe. If you can figure out what about it seems sterile and boring to you I'd love to know. I certainly don't want it to feel that way.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Another quick update. I started making a new material that has vertex blending features I can spin off and use on most of the structural environment pieces. I only have the chipped away part of the VB material but I plan on putting in cracks and grunge. The current images show a heavy handed usage of the blending.

    I also started on the highpoly for the pedestal. Still some work to be done before I make the low poly but it's almost there. Those dials on the control panel will be the x, y and z rotation numbers and the crank is what you use to rotate. the slider on the bottom is the magnification control for the telescope above. I still need to add switches, label plaques, and the owl head.

    That's it for know!


  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Wow, that last highpoly asset looks great.
    I think you could improve the damage shown in you last post... It looks odd at some places, espacially on that trim in the second image.. The edges are to straight, it doesn't feel like it's broken. In some parts it also feels more like water damage... To be honest I really don't know what it's supposed to be.

    Nice scene through! Looks promising.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    I agree about the new damage. Are you using a normal map? I think it's missing depth to separate it between the undamaged part. If a normal map doesn't work, you could try Tessellation if you want to get ~nextgen~. :poly121:
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    @Fenyce I can see what you mean about the water damage look. I have a part of the material that adds AO to the edges of the area that's been damaged so I'll see about toning that down. I agree about the edges of that trim it just kinda hits the side of the next part and ends too abruptly. If I can get DX11 working again tessellating that should help fix it. if not I might just make a few separate meshes with chunks removed to create that actual depth change and use the vert blending for the damage.;

    @leleuxart Yeah I'm currently using both a normal map and some bump offset. Without the bump offset it was even more flat looking. I also have something setup in the material that allows for light AO near the edges and deeper areas of the normal. I'll try toning that down to see if it helps. I was thinking about using tessellation for that part as well but I've run into performance issues when running the level using DX11 so if I can get that fixed I'll try it out.

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I'll go back into the material once I wrap up the modeling on the pedestal. I'll see about getting screenshots of the material and posting that to get some thoughts about how I'm going about making it.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Here's the pedestal. Now it's time to go back into that vertex blend material and see if I can make the damaged areas not look like water stains.


  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    I was able to make the broken parts of the material to look less like water damage as well get the cracks working in the vert blend material. However I still can't seem to get the cracks to only appear in the undamaged areas. I can get the cracks to appear only in the damaged but not the reverse, which is frustrating. for now this is how I'll leave it. I made a screen grab of the two alpha expressions so if anyone has any idea how to get that result I'd be extremely happy to know.

    For now I'm moving on to the telescope beam object that sits above the cube.


  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    This is actually really awesome, I really like the stone work and the metal contrast you have so far. Right now though, I think the lighting is lacking quite a bit. It needs a lot more ambient and rim light work currently. A lot of your hard work and detailing is being hidden/lost with the low lighting you currently have. Let that work shine with some nice ambient!

    Keep it up! Sweet work so far.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Add3r, I'll keep plugging away at the lighting. Was there any area that stuck out to you the most with regards to the low lighting?

    Here's the high poly for the telescope.

  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Started texturing the telescope. It's almost done, just a few areas need a bit more love. Also made some old papers and documents to place around the pedestal. Once I'm done with all that I'll get that material fixed/finished and then on to decorating the scene with all these props!


  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    At the risk of this thread becoming too image heavy I'm gonna remove a few images to help with that.

    Did a lot of prop placement this past week and finished up the vert blend material so now most of the main area is done. Just need to take another stab at lighting so things stand out better like Add3r mentioned. For now I'll update with the beginning of the last part of the environment.

    I'm thinking of putting a large archway on the back wall that opens up to a balcony overlooking the ocean. I'll make a few more custom assets (scroll shelf, large rocks and stuff) to flesh out this part. After that I'd like to try and setup a matinee fly through to make a video, but we'll see. I just keep wanting to add to this thing, but I need to wrap it up like I said I was a while ago.

    Anywho here's the progress on the new room.


  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    So I've finished up the new area, but the more I've looked at this between my home monitor and the ones at school (imacs) I think how my home monitor is displaying things is skewing how I've lit. This is mostly an issue for parts within the low value range. I made this image to see if I'm crazy or if this is actually part of the problem. Top image is unadjusted while the bottom has some slight brightness contrast changes to try and approximate how it looks on my monitor at home.

    If you guys could tell me whether everything just appears drenched in pure black shadow or whether it's ok that would be a huge help. Once I get this figured out I can fine tune the light and have this finally wrapped up.

  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    I'm callng this one done. Here are some of the final screenshots. I already have a few ideas for my next project so it's time to start planning that out.

    Thanks again to everyone who gave feedback!






  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I would suggest playing with the specular and makinng the cubes brighter and have a better value rangs, I would up the contrast a tad as well.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the paint over Alex, I'll work on making those changes when I get home later this evening.
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    Here's the update to the lighting/contrast in the scene.

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