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polycounter lvl 7
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mosone polycounter lvl 7
i'm making new character for my game
and i was wondering what is the best way to model the low poly legs
to make the best normal map?
should i do it in 2 separate pieces or just one?
thanks for the help :)



  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    You should ask this in the technical talk thread.Anyway its depending on the game specs.for a low/medium spec game, one piece is far enough.For a higher spec game, you can use little planes for the chains.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    It depends how low poly your character needs to be. You could possibly get away with using an 8 sided cylinder and blockout the leg. Then just add a few verts to the some of that silhoutte of the chains and bake it out and see what it looks like. If it looks TOO flat then you could add a bit more geo.
  • alvordr
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    alvordr polycounter lvl 6
    How did you do your chains? Meanwhile, I would say you could go either way with the character, but most animators would want it as one piece. I tend to do all my stuff like this in separate pieces and then join them as one later on, if need be. This way I can go ahead and model all pieces and concentrate on each in their own way and still have both options of separate and joined pieces.
  • mosone
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    mosone polycounter lvl 7
    thanks a lot guys :)
    i want it look as good as possible
    i've been experimenting, tried to model real low poly chain
    but i think 4928 tris is too much :thumbdown:
    i'll try the 8 sided cylinder and texture see how it looks :\

    alvordr i use the imm in zbrush

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