Any suggestions on tweaking? I can't seem to get the polycount down further without majorly sacrificing the look of the model.

I'm also running into a problem when I get it into UDK. It looks fine in the Static Mesh preview, but in a level it looks off. I've lightmapped it several ways, so I don't think it's that [see below]

So you think that the spec is too high? I didn't want to turn it off, because I'm using the spec map to show off where it is baked with a hard crust. It shows fine in the preview, in Max, in Marmoset, etc. I'm just stuck on why the low-poly nature is being shown so easily in UDK. I'll try turning down the spec and see how that goes. Thanks.
So if I put a dynamic light in, it works, but then I'm left wondering what the point of having lights that aren't dynamic in a level is. Do dynamic lights use more instructions?
Anyway, back to the main theme. This is the weakest side of UDK. The lighting. You cant get dynamic GI and dynamic soft shadows if you use dynamic lighting.You can get these things only if you bake the lighting into lightmaps, but then they will be static. I dont really understand that why its so hard to make nice dynamic lighting in 2013 because in 2005 there was dynamic in doom3 for example (I know they was stencil hard shadows).A few years ago I thought that we will see 100% dynamic lighting/soft shadows/GI in the most of the modern engines in 2012-2014.Because the new pcs are impossibly strong. But as I see its still far from us.
You rock! This is one delicious piece of game bread...mmmm...polygons!
I guess I can see why specularity is also reflective, but it's a diffused reflectivity. It reflects light, but not necessarily nearby objects.
Just think about Vray.There is no specular value.Just Reflection and glossiness.Its the same thing.The "specular" itself is the reflection of the light source.
When i say flat I mean flat images from cgtextures and such.