Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Wild Goose

Hello again!
This time we have done a Wild Goose,which is done in Maya,Zbrush,Photoshop...
There're not too much details in this piece,but hope you like it.


Free to cooperate.


  • silkroadgame
    This is an easy work,so..any comments?
  • DWalker
    This seems to be a eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), rather than a goose. Not trying to nit-pick, but the correct name does make finding reference easier. :)

    The flight feathers should be straight except where they are bent by air pressure; yours curve quite distinctly about 1/3 from the wing tips. You also seem to have a grey shade on the tips of the secondary flight feathers close to the body; the only coloration on the flight feathers for this species are black markings on the primary flight feathers.

    The pose seems very artificial. In-flight, the legs should be almost horizontal. While landing, the entire body is nearly vertical, as the bird pitches up to lose lift and forward motion. While taking off, the bird leaps forward, again with a pronounced vertical angle. The toes remain pointed and held together throughout the flight unless the bird is trying to land on a branch.
  • silkroadgame
    Thank you for comments,DWalker!It is an eurasian spoonbill,but the references are provided from clients,and we have gotten used to call it goose for more conveneient understand,lol....
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