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Gisaeng 2 by Holdeen

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Scythe greentooth
Hey there, finally kicked myself to start a 3D rendition of gisaeng 2 by Holdeen, almost finished with the high :)




  • DireWolf
    Love what you're doing with the clothes.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Holy mother of cloth!! Great work so far on the sculpting. Keep pushing it! This already has some awesome attention to detail and clear material breakup within the sculpt. Nice work so far!

    Also, I believe your face needs some more definition. Right now its very round and long.
  • alvordr
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    alvordr polycounter lvl 6
    If you're going with the concept, I would say the face needs to be narrower towards the bottom. It's a caricature.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    i'd have a look at the shape of her feet- they look like they are lacking a bit of curve to them.
  • alvordr
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    alvordr polycounter lvl 6
    Dan! wrote: »
    i'd have a look at the shape of her feet- they look like they are lacking a bit of curve to them.

    Agreed. They need to be bigger in the front half of the feet.
  • moondog760
    This looks great! The cloth work is fantastic. A few things:

    The boots are slightly more narrow at the ankles in the reference. And they expand outwards in more of a C-curve near the top.

    The thighs in the reference are a little bigger. Also the waist could be more narrow. Right now her torso is a little too cylindrical in shape, at least compared to the reference.

    You're almost there! Just a couple more tweaks :D
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    Hello guys, thanks alot for the anwsers and critics. I tried to adjust the face but I must be careful because it can quickly break it (even if front view work, the rest looks aweful)

    DireWolf : Thanks man !

    Add3r & Alvodr : Thanks guys, made another pass at the head, I think it's better now, but I cannot push it too far otherwise 3/4 and side view are ugly as shit ^^

    Dan : I changed a little the shape of the feet, maybe it's better. To be honest the boots are the most problematic part of the sculpt as of now, I have a hard time getting it right

    Moondog760 : Thanks a lot ;) tweaked those thighs a little, curved up her waist too :)

    Threw in some polypaint for the sake of seeing how it can look, even with just flat textures. I think the eyes might need some widening but then again, it quickly break the face :s


  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Looking great! I really like what you have done with this.

    I think what needs some love is the shoes. They don't look like human sized feet fit inside them, and the join at the bottom doesn't look right. I'd recommend looking at some large womens boots and get a better idea on how to make this work :).
  • Iciban
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    Iciban polycounter lvl 10
    great concept. totally looking closely to this. Love the cloth work
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    redid the boots. gonna start the retopo.


    I dont really know how to do for the various knots. Should I retopo all the way or make an alpha out of it ?
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    So, low poly is done, and a pre-uv is done too. Now I gotta straighten those uv, tidy them up in a nice texture and i'll be able to start the baking. I'm currently sitting at 15k tris


    some face closeup

  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Before you go any further I would strongly suggest revisiting the cloth components to this, particularly the puffy shoulders and shorts stuff, just doesn't look natural right now.

    Take a good look at some examples of cloth of this nature, really wish I knew what that sort of finish was actually called. The key issue currently is the lack of clear tension points, which in this instance would be around the borders of the clothing as it should be pinched at those points; the cloth just seems to be hitting random shapes as of right now.

    a couple of examples I found super quickly:

    (mostly for the shoulders)


    The shorts are a tricky one, the concept isn't particularly clear what's happening in that area. That ridge could be a result of momentum, some odd inner cage lining the shorts or just magic... The closet real life clothing I can think of that would resemble these would be high fashion bloomers basically:



    Holdeen's have a bit more style to them but the folds resemble one another as far as ref vs concept go. I'd suggest replicating folds closer to those in the above ref whilst retaining the silhouette holdeen has.

    One last thing to note, could just be me, but looking a bit more closely at that section of the concept it almost looks to me like there are separate layers of cloth over the main body of the bloomers, might just be sharp fold detail but I think it could be cool either way to incorporate them.


    A link to the full concept just in case anyone else thinks the same / differently.


    I have one or two more issues, mostly related to the face, but I've never sculpted an anime style head before so any feedback from me on that subject would just be guess work and I'm sure there's someone out there that is more qualified on that particular subject, hopefully some of that helped and didn't come off as too harsh.
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    thanks for your feedback man. Nothing's too harsh when it's for improvement. For the puff shoulders, i think it' should more looklike the girl you used as reference for the short. Her shoulder matches what 'im feeling is right for this character. Alas at that time I had already started my uv's (almost caked those textures) and I felt a gigantic rise of lazyness for the shortt. Nevertheless i might get back to them at a later date.

    For now I started working on the diffuse. The color of her dress might be due to the lighting but i'm really fiding myself loving trying to do it in the base textures, to give the clothe more variety. Well it's still pretty rough anyway

  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    still working on this and that. Startoed posing and texturing. I wonder if I should use either Xoliul 2.0 or marmoset for the render. Also, I love what render looks like on Scorcho's work, anybody know how to modo ?

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    There seems to be seaming issues around the wrists, and the right elbow geometry is collapsing horribly. Put in more edge loops if you arent having enough to bend it. Her left hand, middle finger, is broken pretty bad, and it doesnt look like she has any sort of grip on that lantern.

    Also, the red cloth on her front, will you be doing something with it? There is lots of opportunity to make it a dynamic piece.
  • El Scorcho
    Looking nice man, are you still adding stuff? Looks like you're missing some things like the chain holding the lantern.

    You should use an app like floaty to check your proportions and pose. I think you could be more generous with your poly counts, I'm guessing this coming gen is going to be at least double that.

    As for the render, it was my first time using modo so I didn't really do anything you couldn't achieve with toolbag. You just need to adjust your materials and lighting and take advantage of the post effects in there.

    Add some gloss maps to break up the materials and adjust the shaders too. Some more lighting contrast with a clear direction would help as well. It's a bit flat right now.
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    Paradox : You are absolutely right. To be honest I shouldn't have lazed out on my rig and used an old one. Didn't even saw the horribly distorted finger. I will nevertheless use this posing to continue my texture, and certainly redo the rig and skin when it'll be final.

    I agree with the cloth on the front. I'm wondering if I should copy the base artwork or try something else with it.
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    Scorcho : Thanks man. Yeah for the lantern I might go with alpha, i'll try various stuff. Polycount sits around 20k, I guess i'm still sitting with the good ol 8-cylinder arms and legs. I never really had any experience with gloss map so it'll be pretty new. I know what to do, how it work but never really tried it
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    I think that's it for me. was a blast to make. Final realtime is 20k tri and a 2048 diff, spec and normal.

  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Just a tiny thing: the iris is way too big. Maybe it's a stylistic choice, but it really bothers me, it feels wrong.

    But aside from that, this is golden! Great job! :)
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