So I just found out from the main Polycount Hangout thread that you can create an Event on Google+ and have a permanent link to the Hangout! So I tried to set up one for us
Here are some links!
Let me know if you guys can join it or if you have any problems.
I would like to join, I have many questions on modeling and what not, I just started it not long ago as a bit of a hobby but I now realize its what I've wanted to do all along, though I don't have anyone to ask for help and stuff, so this will help me greatly.
In my opinion, the Polycount Skype group has nothing to do with the activity of Hangouts. Yes it might seem so since you don't have access to the IM, but it's only coincidental. I can tell you there are times I logged into Hangouts before Skype group happened and it's empty!
I agree with Insaneophobia, people can be busy sometimes.
I don't think so, I still join and a lot of others also do, it's just different timezones, and people doesn't have time at the same hours that you do.
Strange. I log on the same times I used to log in the past. The difference I noticed is a huge decline in people logged on vs now. Plus I got told from some Skype users that everyone is on Skype and that it does what the hangout does (ofc I have no clue how Skype works nowadays thanks to my great country and the people leading the telecom sector).
I like how I basically got banned from the chat because I said a picture looked like something, and that one person suddenly starts saying I'm racist towards everyone, when I did not say "X looks like a Y" I said the image looks like a "Y".
Just using a word doesn't mean you're racist or sexist. You also have to consider the force and tone used-- If I said it as a means to hurt some one or if I said it because its an available word in the english language.
I'm sorry if I ended up offending anyone, it was not my intention in any which way, I hope to get a second chance to show you guys that I'm chill.
You're assuming everyone who was in the hangout was white and is friends with you. You can't just go around saying slurs like that. Yes, your tone wasn't malicious or anything but it's still extremely naive of you to come into a professional community of artists and just blurt that out expecting it to be alright. This isn't 4chan.
I like how I basically got banned from the chat because I said a picture looked like something, and that one person suddenly starts saying I'm racist towards everyone, when I did not say "X looks like a Y" I said the image looks like a "Y".
Just using a word doesn't mean you're racist or sexist. You also have to consider the force and tone used-- If I said it as a means to hurt some one or if I said it because its an available word in the english language.
I'm sorry if I ended up offending anyone, it was not my intention in any which way, I hope to get a second chance to show you guys that I'm chill.
You used an extremely offensive slur while discussing the work of our peers. It's unacceptable in a casual context, yet alone in an environment where we conduct our work in the company of the people you hope to be your colleagues.
I love it when young artists get excited about this kinda thing! Polycount is such a lovely welcoming community and you're gonna learn so much here, but if you want to integrate into a professional community you desperately need to pull yourself into a more mature mindset. Starting with understanding the weight of the language you use and accepting responsibility for your actions.
It's probably common knowledge, but you should probably observe These Three Pages ( 123) to know how to act on all chats or pages associated with the mighty greentooth.
Are you guys still having ppl in skype hangout? I have questions about blendshape but I dont want to pester all the good people in the chat, new to all this
So I just found out from the main Polycount Hangout thread that you can create an Event on Google+ and have a permanent link to the Hangout! So I tried to set up one for us
Here are some links!
Let me know if you guys can join it or if you have any problems.
some ppl on skypechat complaint that the hangout is not working for them cause the event is over. if the above direct link, quoted by Reza doesnt work and you end up on the polycount chat grp event what ever page, there should be a window on the right side in the upper half of the screen that looks something like this:
Yes. There is just a permanent one now, linked on the previous page in this thread.
I agree with Insaneophobia, people can be busy sometimes.
Strange. I log on the same times I used to log in the past. The difference I noticed is a huge decline in people logged on vs now. Plus I got told from some Skype users that everyone is on Skype and that it does what the hangout does (ofc I have no clue how Skype works nowadays thanks to my great country and the people leading the telecom sector).
Then where all the peoplez at
Retopo alone is torture!
You're assuming everyone who was in the hangout was white and is friends with you. You can't just go around saying slurs like that. Yes, your tone wasn't malicious or anything but it's still extremely naive of you to come into a professional community of artists and just blurt that out expecting it to be alright. This isn't 4chan.
You used an extremely offensive slur while discussing the work of our peers. It's unacceptable in a casual context, yet alone in an environment where we conduct our work in the company of the people you hope to be your colleagues.
I love it when young artists get excited about this kinda thing! Polycount is such a lovely welcoming community and you're gonna learn so much here, but if you want to integrate into a professional community you desperately need to pull yourself into a more mature mindset. Starting with understanding the weight of the language you use and accepting responsibility for your actions.
Bangout is dead
Yeah I was there until my PC randomly restarted. It seems I continue to have instability issues.
follow the instructions on the picture