Sup, Polycount, long time no post!
I'm gonna start sending in applications, but before I do I want your expert advice on my portfolio site.
Which pieces are good, and which one suck? Is there too much of something? Not enough of something else? Rip into it - hurt my feelings!
Try getting better placement and make it not so big, people have eyes, look at this text we are writing here right now. Its 1/5th of yours per example.
Good idea, I can add a "contact info" thing on the main page. I'm a bit limited by what Carbonmade is designed to do, but luckily you can do some unorthodox stuff to get good results.
roger, text too large
Honestly I am about 80% self-taught, as far as 3d stuff is concerned. My classes were great for introducing me to the tools, and really good for working on projects with groups of people (which is where I learned the most), but the majority of actual practical knowledge I've gained is stuff that I've learned from experimentation and polycount.
Website is wonderful. Very easy to use, and clean enough. The big white text doesn't bother me, particularly.
Good luck in the job search!
That's actually very useful to hear. I've had a couple other people suggest the same thing, so I'm definitely going to move him out of the characters section. I might put him in the 'Z-sketches' section, as an untextured model, since I think his textures are the main source of suck.