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Brawler Batman

polycounter lvl 6
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Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
Hey everyone,

So I have recently been working on this batman character, and have got it to an almost complete stage, I was aware of there being various versions of batman models out there but felt like giving it ago regardless. I went for a Frank miller sort of style, so starting out that was my main reference point, including a clay sculpt of frank millers batman by Thiago Provin which i used as reference also.
I also went for a beat up, brawler style batman as the character progressed, here is an image of the character at its current stage after i got it into Cryengine.

I really want to try and push this piece further and get the best out of it i can, any critique is welcome as I'm willing to go back to sculpting or re-texturing etc if necessary, thanks!


  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    For me jon I think that the skin could do with the most love right now. it feels almost as grey as his bodysuit...get that right and it will help you evaluate where you are with the rest of the model.
  • walklikethis
    HEY MILLZY!!!!

    Ok, so awesome start dude! I have a couple of crits which are:

    The boots look kind of flat not sure what to suggest...

    How the finger bends on the hands looks odd, maybe define the fold of skin and make it more angular.

    They Eyes pupils look really small... kind of threw my off but that might be personal opinion rather than something you should change.

    As i said, great stuff, keep working at it :D
  • e-freak
    Think it looks pretty awesome, I like the character design :) - The Presentation could do with some more specific lighting for each direction (the front view needs a harsh rimlight :))

    If the cape isn't simulated I'd try to see if you can make it two-sided for better rendering. Also I'd tweak the eyes (they look glowing right now) and the belt-buckle which looks a bit too bright.
  • Jon Mills
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    Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
    @ seth. Thanks man, yeah looking at the skin now he does look a little dead..this is partly due to the lighting within cryengine as in marmoset it appears a little better, but definitely need to work on the skin, cheers man.

    @ Walklikethis ROOBBBB!! thanks for the crit, i think the same about the boots..didn't really know where to go with them but will work on it, will also look into changing the position of the hands and re texture the eyes.

    @ e-freak Cheers man :) also your spot on with the lighting, definitely need a nice rim light as you said, and yes i plan on simulating the cape, although at this stage the cape is quite rushed so will put more time into that. Also i dont think my specular map is doing much of the model justice, hence the bright belt buckle and the seemingly glowing eyes, so will tweak, thanks

    I will work on your feedback, thanks guys
  • Jon Mills
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    Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
    So i realised i had messed with the hue/saturation in the previous image after screenshoting from Cryengine, which may have made the skin tone appear more grey than in this image,which is now straight from cryengine, i have also added a rim light here and tried to dull the eyes and belt buckle a little, still things to do, also need to work on the boots and stop them from feeling so flat and uninteresting. Is this image any improvement on the previous? any crits and comments welcome
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Hmm i'd still like to see the skin more saturated.

    Sweet model man though :D!
  • Jon Mills
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    Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
    cheers Muzz :), will get tweaking
  • e-freak
    is everything one material or are the skin-parts and eyes a different material?
  • Jon Mills
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    Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
    @ e-freak, at the moment the eyes are a separate material to the rest of the body, although i can easily separate the skin parts from the body suit and apply a separate material to that also
  • Jon Mills
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    Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
    So i have now separated the skin parts of the model to allow me to apply a separate material in cry engine and have more control over the skin, i feel there is definitely an improvement in the skin now,have also tweaked the cape material as i felt it was too translucent. Now to move onto editing the boots and other bits and pieces

    Any crits and comments welcome
  • Greg DAlessandro
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    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
    I feel like his feet are a bit too clean. Maybe it can use a tear on one of the grey parts, or a blood stain on the metal tip(s) or something. Other than that nice job.
  • Jon Mills
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    Jon Mills polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks man, yeah im currently trying to sort out the boots as they aren't working too well, thanks for the suggestions! :)
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