Still practicing some outdoor environments! Huge Pokemon fan, so I decided to create some more realistic renditions of the areas in the Pokemon games.

References Created by
Drew 108
Current Progress:

I automatically applied grass vegetation to anywhere with the "grass" terrain texture. I would manually place grass, but whenever I do it leaves empty splotches on the ground instead of filling the area. I manually applied tall grass to the areas on route 1 where the grass is different.
It still looks a little flat to me so maybe with a little TOD adjustments and once I start adding meshes it'll start to fill up. I appreciate any criticism

Same town, but from a later iteration of the series, so it's a little more complex. First time making a house so I'll do my best, shouldn't be to much different from what I'm used to though.
One suggestion, if you're going for a realistic look, I wouldn't follow the original layout as closely as you're doing. Use it as a base and try to imagine how things would be in reality, but have that small hint of the original layout there. This is just my personal preference though.
I agree with EvanL, I think the layout should bit more natural. Keep the general layout the same, but break up the straight lines and right angles.
Thanks guys! I added some flowers and more tall grass in the correct areas. I also added some rocks on the cliffs to make it pop more.
Are the rocks an example of what you mean by making it more natural?
But like I said, it's up to you how realistic you want to take it. If you want to stay more true to the original concept that's your artistic license, but I think it'd be really interesting to see a more real world version of Pallet town.