Just curious what type of character designs are the most appealing to you?
It seems as though many folks are interested in folks who are much to ideal; what is the deal with that? Is it what these people wish they were or what? I am really dying to know.
I think this has rubbed off on me, quite a bit, to the point that its becoming a problem for me. I even did a character for a client recently that was supposed to be ugly, I thought I hit all of the marks in that department. Huge under-bite, check. Huge crooked teeth, check. Disgusted scowl, check. Tiny, pointy nose, check. I submitted progress shots for review, and the client couldn't have been happier with the character, with one exception, "He's too handsome, can you make him uglier?"
I think I'll make this the focus of my next personal project. If a client needs an ugly character, I need to be able to deliver.
I am not talking about models, I'm talking about the characters themselves.
I am talking about characters that people seem to fawn over the most,
What makes those characters appealing?
Why are they appealing?
What type of character is the most appealing?
What type aren't appealing?
i hope i answered that right.
Of course there is something more beautiful than just visuals. Its aesthetics. This is largely my own opinion because many other artists will probably have a differing one. For myself, I find sometimes models that look too ideal to be boring. The more ideal and supermodel-looking they become, the more dull they seem to me. Characters that appeal to me are believable characters with strong characteristics. However personality doesn't fall into the realm of visual arts. The best you can do is to incorporate some of their personality into their design to tell a story.
In my opinion you'd need to at least pose your character to breath some level of life instead of just T-posing it, because that doesn't really tell me about anything on who they are. Also having an environment to give context also really helps to sell the character a lot more.
In The Last of Us, as another example, I find almost all of the characters really believable and interesting because they look and act like they are grounded in their universe and they have enough character development to make me believe that they aren't just puppets on a string, and in my book that makes them good and interesting characters.
If you want to learn what makes a character visually great, grab random characters and evaluate how clearly and well executed the Design Elements and Principles apply to each character.
As I said, the answer to all of these is great use of Design Elements and Principles. The answer you're "dying to know" is simply that. People love and respond well to great design. Everything after the fact; personality, age, gender, etc. follows the visual design.
Can anyone recommend some good books that deal with these matters, and how do these principles apply to characters..?
Take for example Aerith from Final Fantasy 7.
She is a fairly uninspiring character visually. Somewhat generic and all that.
Yet it is how she is used along side the main character, helping you in both gameplay and through the story arch she essentially triggers. You begin to rely on her, you see how she interacts with you the player and her struggle as you help her grow (level up). So when she dies (spoiler?), you really care about her and her death has impact primarily because of every interaction from the moment you met her to the point where you realize you cant interact with her anymore.
In the same vein, two characters build upon that kind of effect in recent games. Last of Us with Ellie and Bioshock with Elizabeth (both have similar names, Ellie possibly being short for Elizabeth...coincidence? I have no idea).
You care more about them because you start to rely upon them a bit, because their actions actively effect, help or even impede you as the player. You end up making choices on their decisions, even if its scripted as part of the story line.
So it comes back to emotional response, how to trigger it through the character and the way they interact with you the player.
Visually we have already become oversaturated with so many "cool" and "bad ass" characters that just looking at them doesnt quite do it. Sure we can get an emotional response from their design and artistic choices that they are made of, and even as artist we can have that response for technical accomplishments or memories tied to Nostalgia (drawing parallels between already liked characters from past games or experiences, and seeing similarities in new).
Those are the kinds of considerations I think you need when designing a good character. Pull from nostalgia, know the target audience, know the genre of game, taking risks to be different and original can also be rewarding...ultimately it comes down to bringing the character to life in a way to generate the emotional response via interactivity and story telling.
So in that regard, I think spiderDude hit the nail on the head.
Line, Color, Shape, Texture, Space, and Form
Unity, Balance, Hierarchy, Scale/Proportion, Dominance/Emphasis, and Similarity/Contrast
If the elements are carefully guided by the principles - with deliberate intent to elicit an emotional response, the result will be a visually memorable work of art.
Like if you knew nothing about the game, what type of character would more than likely draw you in?
-Must be white
-Must be between 25-35 years old
-Must have a tragic backstory involving dead parents
-Rough around the edges but eventually opens his soft gooey insides to the girl he loves
If so, well, that's a good question. I myself like character that, as someone said, stand out in some way. Not just visually, but as personality. Also, it's good if it shows various emotions, that are believable, that helps a lot.
But, what is important to me, is that there is something intresting, unique about that character.
Dunno if you guys played this game, it's quite old (baldur's gate 2). but this Minsc character is one such example of character i just love:
i mean just listen to it, this dude just SCREAMS character coolness....
I mean, he's mighty strong warrior, with sort of russian accent almost, has funny look to it, doesn't look exactly like he's the brightest light around, and...he brings his...watch this..hamster....to his battles, and even talks to him...hack, even after like 15 years or what was it , i can still remember "go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!".
THAT, is what i love about character.
I will say though, some animes just have far better character then any AAA game out there if you ask me.
For example, one particular character (code geass, main character):
Why do i like this character more then most game characters i played (do note, didn't play some of the latest games so things have probably changed a lot lately), you ask?
Well, it's quite simple. First, This guy has someone sad history, so he's pissed off as certain people, who are guilty for his sister being blind and on wheel chair, and hiding far away from her family and stuff.
So, his has this extremly carring relationship with her sister, he pitty her so much he'd do anything for, yet, he is also to put it simply, also this arrogant bastard, and a strategic master mind , all in one.
As the show goes, you see more and more if various side of him; there's this part of him who cares a lot of certain people, and yet there is this arrogant bastard who wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect that first group of people he cares about. Even if the people are innocent, doesn't matter.
They you see him playing his strategy like true mastermind, only to fail simply because of his arrogance. You would both see him while he's happy, annoying, straight out murderer, going to extreme to protect his sister (and such), then being sad and straight out deprresive.
And what strikes me the best, it's not just like author just through all sorts of emotion on him randomly, all those actually fits him perfectly.
And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. People go throught all sorts emotions; when my grandpa died, and remember my relatives crying for entire day, yet when the night came, they would laugh like crazy...i guess they needed to vent out all the stress.
And this anime managed to capture this beautifully. just like my relatives, who in one day, had such a cotrasted emotions, so did this guy in anime, going from arrogant bastard to sad guy who bagged his enemy to spare his loved ones....and all sorts of other stuff like this.
Ahem, i'm a bit long so sorry for that, but, this is basically what i'd like to see on characters. There are situations that brings all sorts of emotions out of us, and yet when i play game, i just do see that (For the most part anyway). You get sad, you get angry, you get pissed off, you get hilarious and overly positive etc. And tha goes especially in tense situations, and games always have those. :P
There are exceptions, but they are rare. I think Mass effect trilogy had some characters that were quite close. But for the most part, they are kinda too..."one dimensional", if you get me.
Again, sorry for really long post, but i hope you understand what i mean.
am i the only one who thinks no one is actually reading his questions...
all of these questions are subjective, so you might want to rephrase your thread title OR add a poll with specific character archetype choices for people to choose from.
for example, zombies, aliens, meaty guys, etc.
From there, we can pick it apart and give you better feedback as to why we think they're appealing or not appealing
But speaking generally.. I find the underdog type character is what draws me in to most games. It's his/her ability to go up against all odds and somehow succeed eventhough everything is stacked against them.
We could guess all day at what you mean, examples help everyone.
Capital idea fellows!
I always thought that people are often fawning over the pretty boys and girls
as well as those tough guys fellows wish they could be.
I often hear about how cool those Gears folks are so cool,or how those DOA chicks are and that cammy person pretty. Also many of the female fellows seems to like the long haired girly fellows in games. What is the deal with that?
It seems as though bizzare mascot types with cool abilities are a dying breed outside of Nintendo.
Seriously when was the last AAA title starting one of these folks? I hear there is a title called Knack coming out for the PS4, but that seems to be it.
10-15 years ago, it seemed as though that was the bulk of the market in all genres.
What the heck is the deal?
I know what you mean, and thanks for posting......I wrote long a rather long paragraph, but I accidentally went back a page. I agree with you, there are way too many blank slates and tough guys in today's games, what's the deal? I do feel as feel as though having a back story is crucial, but one doesn't always have to be a bitter fellow for the game to be cool. Also I haven't seen either of the titles you are refering to, so perhaps I should check them out.
A relatable and flawed person that has a different perspective on life than myself.
I'd be happy to see a lot less perfect, 25-30 year old, muscular, short haired male protagonists that "doesn't always play by the rules".
Technology has as well, the PS3/360 opened up a lot of doors for what types of visual styles were achievable on consoles.
Well, while back story was important in case of that anime, it was also a lot about how heeacted in certain situations...He's not your generic good guy, he's pretty much antihero; he always kinda stay on the good side deep down, but he does so much horrific things that noone can look at him as hero, even though he would actually save world....
Also, if you plan to try it, baldur's gate 2 is really oldgame, top-down 2d rpg, but probably best from it's time. If you can forgive VERY outdated visuals and a bit weird gameplay elements for modern times, game really is a blast.
Regarding code geass...well, it's anime, so you kinda have to like those, cause they have this specific visual style that many might not like at all (myself included for a long time :P).
I forgot to mention....i didn't play farcry 3, but that bad guy they were showing off in trailers also looks very interesting to me....
And about chicks likeing long haired girl-ish dude....wasn't it always like that? I remember when LOTR came out, chicks were crazy about legolas....go figure. :P