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Minas Tirith - White Castle on Unity3D

polycounter lvl 12
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TihomirVFX polycounter lvl 12
I did conceptual greybox version of Minas Tirith in Unity.
I made layout, terrain, many buildings, rocks, grass, textures 2048px, 4096px, one shader 2 layer vertex blend with mask and assembled greybox version of Minas Tirith.
I worked very hard to achieve this demo, still in development coming soon.

You can see my trailer below Cheers!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYxQiCxLP6A"]Minas Tirith - White Castle on Unity3D - YouTube[/ame]

Minas Tirith - White Castle on Unity3d - Screeners


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