Hey guys,
Since im more of a Graphic Design guy, Im not that into modeling, to be honest the whole subdivision modeling thing is pretty new to me, atleast in practice, I only modeled bad low polys before. (I did a lot of offline rendering tho)
This is my first try at highpoly modeling, (Im not going to bake it) and wanted to do a artwork out of it which is more or less presentable atleast.
Since I have no lowpoly, all materials are procedurial, I used 2 2048 textures for the walls and 3 tiling 1024 for the metals and one tiling 2048 which I painted from scratch for the dark steel (barrel etc)
I plan on doing better materials and getting a laser sensor + camera done, and do a night shot where the muzzle flash illuminates the whole scene alone and maybe get a better background... Im not so sure if im happy with it.
Render and Modeling in Cinema 4D

(Without materials)
What do you think ?
No i know its missing, I plan adding a targeting module next, just gotta figure out how it should look ; )
Also, is it mechanically functional?
Its "believable" Id say, the suspension and the cannon make sense at the surface atleast. I just forgot some oil pipes it seems
Hm i think the background is not lighted yellow enough, I guess I remove the car from the image.
I was referring to realistic modelling. As for the background not matching I think it's because the gun and wall got some solid wear and tear going on, then there is the although blurry, still what looks like a a clean city landscape that doesn't add up.
Hmm, I imagined a city like in israel, well from far anything looks more or less the same, but the buildings are usually very worn off, I dunno.
Well but youre right, I need a more damaged background, maybe I photoshop something together. It was intended to show a everyday scenario where the military is omnipresent
The ammo chain is a valid point too, gotta do something interesting for that one. It was really messy getting that one to work, I wanted visible bullets at first, but I couldnt get it done, so I gave up at first and left those rectangles >.>
I started modeling something a lot more simple now, a fireaxe - trying to get the complete workflow through for once. With sculpting, baking and retopo and everything.
This is what i have now:
So far pretty happy with it, but I want to do a hole for the wood piece in the edge, and I have no clue how to do that without breaking the whole nice curvature of the edge. Any advice on this ?
(Or should I just sculpt a little indent later to fake a hole ? thats actually all I want, but I would like to do it in modeling if it is possible)