Now's as good a time as any to start learning!
Lots of people have told me the best way to learn is to just jump in and make a progress thread, so... Here I am!
I've been going through "Drawing on the right side of the brain" and James Gurney's "Colour and Light", and looking through threads
I had a couple of attempt's at just base textures using the various resources on the PC wiki, but scrapped all of them. Here's what I have to show right now.
Grass using Jeff Parrot's method:

Also watched the first texture woreshop by Jamin Shoulet:

I know this is just the concept art, but one super important aspect about doing handpainted textures is knowing how to paint lighting. if you can nail the concept art, it will help you with your handpainted texturing too. Know your forms and light direction
You painted this soft shadow / AO thing, but you need to watch out where the gradient starts. Right now theres like a gap between the hole and the background plane, it dosnt look connected because your shadow starts too early, it needs to be smaller. Also the adjacent faces need to have it too, else it is wrong. The inner faces of the hole need it aswell. Just check some references for Ambient occlusion. Also your drybrushing/edge highlights cross your cracks (+ try varying it more, leave some places out, put some stronger, not a simple line)
The crack on bottom is totally wrong lighting wise. Imagine how light falls and how the surface looks.
Practice a lot there and check references and object in your daily life to get a sense for it. Its a long way, but it comes with the time.
good progress with the hand painted stuff! keep pushing it and look at the environment art in dota, league of legends and wow for reference. their stuff is inspiring to say the least.
Here is a break down .gifs of texture I did at the start of this year.
Best thing I can say is just go nuts and never undo anything.
Hope this helped.
Here is an example of what I mean by the eyes and body being more pill shaped.
and I have a quick video that I just uploaded:
A WIP mushroom i've been doing to learn how to use MARI.