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lady maintenance worker


I've been working slowly on getting myself more familiar with zbrush and high poly character workflow, something i've been telling myself i ought to do for some time now, and am now getting around to.

as it's essentially a practice piece im keeping it quite simple, just a lady in overalls, and other maintenance work gear, it should be at a stage now where I can work on the accessories and refine the details (hands face creases etc..)

I have had some feedback from a work friend, but thought i'd have the talented folk here rip it to shreds for me (i also need to build a thicker skin, but don't let that hold you back)

Have at it!


a bad paintover showing the extra details.



  • mister
    some progress, only got a few small things I want to add now before moving on to re-toppo. unless anyone can tell me an any glaring (or miniscule) mistakes that I have made with this.

  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    wait with the retopo, you got some serious issues there

    Anatomy is really not my strenght but the pelvic area is completely off and the arms are really thin , and your cloth dosnt look believable at all, its like molten cheese

    if you want to go into character design, copy references first before you invent your own, thats really mandatory
    to tackle characters.
  • mister
    I wasn't going to jump in straight away, if no one replied here I have the guys at work to critique for me, thanks for the reply. I don't think the anatomy is too far off, but I'll take a look at it anyway. sculpting cloth is not something I have much experience with, I'll take another crack at that element (this was the second draft)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Fix the sculpting on the pants, it's ready as really lumpy.

    Look into using Selwy's brushes. See how he uses this brushes, and of course, look at reference. All your folds are reading horizontally.

    Can you get some close ups of the face?
  • mister
    Oh, those look really helpful, I have been having trouble getting tight folds. I was thinking about how I can make them better and will take a look this evening, might practice a little at work today as I have access to zbrush there now.

    Will post some more screens tonight, no time right now. Ta.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Well, the anatomy is off, even though you think its not too bad. The pelvic area has already been mentioned, her arms make her look kinda anorexic and the hands look quite cartoony and unrealistic. The cloth also looks like melting chocolate.

    I would recommend forgetting clothing for now and just focusing on getting all of the female anatomy right with correct proportions before even thinking about clothing.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Yes, fix the anatomy right now before doing clothing adjustments.
  • mister
    Ok, points taken, i need to slow down and accept criticism.
    I've adjusted this based off some proportion references, should be better now. arms are thicker, I haven't done anything with the hands really, but the size in relation looks less like Micky mouse gloves,

    made a quick start on the cloth on the trousers as I felt that was probably quite distracting if left alone.

    included a head shot, hair is place holder (will use alphas)

    everything still needs a detail and polish pass once I'm happy that the crit is a little more minimal. thanks for the comments btw, it all helps.


  • alvordr
    Offline / Send Message
    alvordr polycounter lvl 6
    Nice job on the hair, clothing and concept. The face needs work, but I'm sure it'll come along. The hips are the most striking area in need of work...I would bring the legs in a V shape closer to the hips, instead of the stark angled drop from the hip to the leg.
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Have you modeled the entire body under the clothing? I know its easy to think this isn't necesarry because of how baggy the clothes are, but it will really help you give the whole character some structure so that you can get away from the melted chocolate look. It is the underlying anatomy that will tell you how to lay down the folds.

    Start with basic proportions, and then move on to the boney landmarks before you get too involved with individual muscles. This should help you deal with a lot of the critiques that you've been getting.

    And when you get back to the folds, turn off symmetry. It might seem like its saving you a ton of time, but once you have all of the above knowledge, laying down folds is actually pretty quick, and symmetry is the easiest way to kill the believability of drapery.

    Oh, and you said you have access to ZBrush. Give the DamStandard brush a shot, it will change your life. Its one of the default brushes in ZBrush 4R5.
  • mister
    I did have an underlying model, but that's since been removed. Maybe I did move on to fast, but I'll try and fix this rather than start again. I have been using the dam standard brush, and you're right, it's great.
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