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LMS - Divinity Character

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Kend greentooth


Hello I'm going to be tackling a very difficult character, It Divinity from Dan Luvisi's LMS killbook of a bounty hunter.


I'm not very good at characters its taken me a long time to get to where I am, polycount is helpful when i do get crits but its rare on here hopefully it will be different for this because i really want to finish this character. Anyways heres wat i got so far im still trying to understand anatomy of the face, its hard stuff to learn but im somewhat getting better.

PS Quick General questions

1. Any recommended Matcaps for presenting your sculpt and for sculpting?

2. Whats the best approach for hair?


  • Kend
    Offline / Send Message
    Kend greentooth
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    basic met cap, sculpt the hair or use alpha planes. try and finish a character first.
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    I'm definately gonna try and finish this character first im just afraid to go too far ahead with her and then noticed a made sum huge mistakes on the sculpt and have to go back, also i think i might sculpt the hair first and then add hair cards with that, i don't know if this is gonna be game res or hi res yet
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Hey, Kend. The bust is looking nice, but I think its too early for a critique. I just wanted to quickly impart some advice that I'm only now starting to realize.

    Don't be scared of making mistakes. They're going to happen, no matter what. Just go ahead and make those mistakes. You will learn from them. If you're serious about this, there will be many more projects in the future. Each mistake you make and identify will equip you with knowledge to better tackle that next project.

    If you spend all of your time worrying about what mistakes you might make, you'll never finish anything that you start. You'll learn a lot faster if you just get in there and start sculpting. You'll probably have to redo a lot of things along the way, don't sweat it, just keep grinding that exp!
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Brandon.LaFrance : hey brandon, thank you for the kind advice very inspiring and helpful. :D

    So for this Update ive done most of the arms and body but i'll have that up in a later update probably later tonight so hopefully ppl dont think ive been slacking just only showing a head update at this moment.

    I think im going in a good direction in terms of likeness, but now im gonna get the body done which its almost done and then post a wip with and body.


    Questions: This character is indeed a cinematic character should i still sculpt the eyebrows or whats the best approach?
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Heres one last update on the face its a very quick polypaint just to see what the sculpt looks like with colors.


    Now onto the body

    PLS CRIT!! :D

  • anthonymcgrath
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    anthonymcgrath polycounter lvl 3
    such a terrible character design - that body does not look at all like it could hold those arms up... its quite literally a hot chick with cyber mittens.

    i think you have a chance to push this a little.. those arms might have some form of smaller mechanical architecture around the shoulders and possibly upper chest where they are connected or at least braced. Her abs and back and actually most of her body would be quite muscular and thicker from holding that weight (even if they were mechanised to amplify her strength) - not playboy bunny body soft curves. Improve on whats there.

    otherwise nice enough start - yes dont just texture the eyebrows... you've seen cushers RDJ model... you know what to do
  • Luke003
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    Luke003 polycounter lvl 8
    such a terrible character design - that body does not look at all like it could hold those arms up... its quite literally a hot chick with cyber mittens.

    i think you have a chance to push this a little.. those arms might have some form of smaller mechanical architecture around the shoulders and possibly upper chest where they are connected or at least braced. Her abs and back and actually most of her body would be quite muscular and thicker from holding that weight (even if they were mechanised to amplify her strength) - not playboy bunny body soft curves. Improve on whats there.

    I disagree little bit. Firstly, I don't think she's at all human, so there's not really any reason her "muscles" would be developed as a result of supporting those arms. I think some of the charm of Luvisi's LMS characters comes from their other-worldliness or outlandish appearances. I wouldn't call it terrible design, just not ultra-realistic. I think there's a fair amount of room for unrealistic or fantastical art. But that's just my opinion.

    Kend - I think the face's likeness is pretty good. To me, one of the most striking things about the concept image (aside from those massive arms) is her eyes. Getting those right is probably going to be a major selling point on the overall feel of the project. Looking good! Excited to see more.
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Luke003: I definately agree with you on this, shes a cyborg so her body isnt muscular but because of her robotic body she can handle the weight of her arms. The eyes are definately gonna be tricky but thats the next thing im working on after the body.

    Next update will be very soon

    Pls crit :D thx
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Hello everyone hope fully I get some more CRITS this time around, heres two Very rough updates I have more finished but not rdy right now and I wanted too be able to show you sumthing at least so here you go:




  • anthonymcgrath
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    anthonymcgrath polycounter lvl 3
    Just my opinion.. I didn't say radically alter it.. Just at least attempt to try and improve on something gone before... The excuse of "she's a cyborg so underneath she'd be strong enough" to me doesn't sell. simple fact is that structure would not hold those arms least of all in motion.

    Interested in seeing more tho
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    Just my opinion.. I didn't say radically alter it.. Just at least attempt to try and improve on something gone before... The excuse of "she's a cyborg so underneath she'd be strong enough" to me doesn't sell. simple fact is that structure would not hold those arms least of all in motion.

    Interested in seeing more tho

    anthonymcgrath: What I meant by strong enough underneath is that her interior is robotic as well so she is able to go far beyond human limitation, I understand what your trying to say though and I will be going that direction right now im going too get the arms mechanical parts done (which are a huge pain in the ass) and then go from there.

    my next update will be later tonight PLS CRIT :D
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Love the concept. Really wanna see how you will take her there.

    About hair, are you gonna make polygonal hair or sculpting hair ?
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    PyrZern wrote: »
    Love the concept. Really wanna see how you will take her there.

    About hair, are you gonna make polygonal hair or sculpting hair ?

    In all honesty I have no idea what im going to do for the hair, I absolutely love the way Dan luvisi draws hair, its incredible but as for modelling it ya its gonna be tough its definately going to be one of the last things I do, I'm rlly going to have to experiment to see.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    looking good so far I'd work on making the breasts a part of the body as opposed to being separate objects. Also I know the clavicle is exaggerated in the concept. but look how everything seems to flatten out near the center of the chest. so go in and smooth that out.

    Edit: this may be just me but the torso looks too long
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    dudelan2001: Ya the torso was feeling too long to me as well, and as you can see in the WIP pics below ive retopoed the torso, im going to model the whole body.



    So right now im working on the arms, its been difficult doing the shoulder armpit area trying create mchanical parts that will move properly, here is a shot of the shoulder interior, in terms of keeping with the concept I do want it to feel realistic but also keep the feel of DAN LUVISI.


    I'll be sending more updates 2day as well

  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    my bad Double post :p
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