I am a 3D artist .I need a height texture for making a diffuse texture.I think a height texture can help me get a good effect in texture painting.So I want to get a good way.
I known height texture can be get from Many ways .
1, From crazybump .
2,X normal
3,photoshop ( nvidia plug-in )
4,max baking .
Here ,I want to point out " Max Baking ". I render to height map .Found that some dark edge ,That is where the UVS is.
also wrong black lines
Anywho, people commonly use an ambient occlusion pass for these kind of things, that, and sometimes the green channel of a worldspace normal map.
Yes ,Fisrt bake map have some issue.Also I ues AO and green channel of normal map.at here .I love height map .I t give me a good feeling.If there is no black edge .I think it will good rather ran AO and green channel.
Better to use an ambient occlusion map or curvature map. Some tips: