I've been practicing this on my own for a short while now, and I'm at the point where I don't really know what exactly I need to do to improve further so I figure coming here and asking for feedback is probably a good idea, so here goes!
A breakdown showing your current wireframe and textures would help us provide useful feedback.
Currently, the positions of the lights don't really make much sense - I'd expect the ones on the bottom to be at the top to provide actual illumination. I'd seriously tone down the middle lights - as it is they provide a bright light near eye-level. I'd change the lights on the panels to show status, changing them to red/green/amber at a reduced intensity.
Beyond that, it really depends on your intended use. You can add serious weathering to show an aged panel, add blood, bullets, or scorch marks to indicate a battle, etc. Of course, you could also do all of them - create a pristine panel, then see how many variations you can create.
Currently, the positions of the lights don't really make much sense - I'd expect the ones on the bottom to be at the top to provide actual illumination. I'd seriously tone down the middle lights - as it is they provide a bright light near eye-level. I'd change the lights on the panels to show status, changing them to red/green/amber at a reduced intensity.
That does sound better, on it. I'm not sure if there's an easier way to quickly change the glow map color in the 3 point shader ( I tried making it just white and using the shader color selection to change it, but that didn't work ), so I guess for now I'll just change it in PS when I need to.
Beyond that, it really depends on your intended use. You can add serious weathering to show an aged panel, add blood, bullets, or scorch marks to indicate a battle, etc. Of course, you could also do all of them - create a pristine panel, then see how many variations you can create.
That is probably what I'm going to do, since I might as well get as much practice out of this model as I can.
The lights look kinda silly just floating there, and I dunno what to do with the outer area. I should probably go model something from a proper concept and try again
I think paint ruins it. The other guy showed a good way to apply paint, but I think the paint is stupid to have on this. "Here is our giant sci-fi ship, lets go with orange and white." Makes no sense.
The spec maybe make the creases have pure black. And maybe make the diffuse crease parts a bit darker, they seem too be getting too much light in my opinion.
The bolts are the worst part. Looks like a circular fuzzy brush. Maybe try making the bolts a tad tad bit brighter than the metal and make the specular much more whiter to get a different definition for those.
Looking back I probably shouldn't have made the door part a flat simple object like I did, so I'll keep that in mind for next time. Anyway yeah, what am I doing badly on here?
Currently, the positions of the lights don't really make much sense - I'd expect the ones on the bottom to be at the top to provide actual illumination. I'd seriously tone down the middle lights - as it is they provide a bright light near eye-level. I'd change the lights on the panels to show status, changing them to red/green/amber at a reduced intensity.
Beyond that, it really depends on your intended use. You can add serious weathering to show an aged panel, add blood, bullets, or scorch marks to indicate a battle, etc. Of course, you could also do all of them - create a pristine panel, then see how many variations you can create.
Idk why that didn't occur to me :x
There is a normal map too, but it's just for that big flat middle piece so I dunno if it's worth including, since it's super simple and all.
That does sound better, on it. I'm not sure if there's an easier way to quickly change the glow map color in the 3 point shader ( I tried making it just white and using the shader color selection to change it, but that didn't work ), so I guess for now I'll just change it in PS when I need to.
That is probably what I'm going to do, since I might as well get as much practice out of this model as I can.
Excuse me while I go and try to figure out how to paint that
Thanks you two
First time painting paint, does it look alright?
The lights look kinda silly just floating there, and I dunno what to do with the outer area. I should probably go model something from a proper concept and try again
I think paint ruins it. The other guy showed a good way to apply paint, but I think the paint is stupid to have on this. "Here is our giant sci-fi ship, lets go with orange and white." Makes no sense.
The spec maybe make the creases have pure black. And maybe make the diffuse crease parts a bit darker, they seem too be getting too much light in my opinion.
The bolts are the worst part. Looks like a circular fuzzy brush. Maybe try making the bolts a tad tad bit brighter than the metal and make the specular much more whiter to get a different definition for those.
Looking back I probably shouldn't have made the door part a flat simple object like I did, so I'll keep that in mind for next time. Anyway yeah, what am I doing badly on here?