Hello Polycount,
Im a newly graduated Game Art major, desperately looking for work. I typically stick with low-poly models, with hand painted textures but lately have been feeling like i need to broaden my spectrum. I came across the following image in a random google search and instantly took it as a challenge.
*EDIT* A challenge to get better at high poly and hard surface modeling.
Despite my best attempts and the infinite power of Google, i wasnt able to find any other images of this particular mech from the anime Code Geass. So its the only reference im working from, which is kind of proving difficult but it also allows me some creative freedom to fill in the gaps.
Here is my initial block out:
My ultimate goal is to have a game-ready model and probably have it in a small scene. Its still early on and i know i have a lot more to go, but any and all feedback and suggestions are appreciated and encouraged. I really want to be a part of this community and establish myself as an artist and i need your help to do that. Thanks guise!!! :poly121:
Basically just applying Turbosmooth and using bunches of loops, chamfers, and extrusions to get the hard edges. Nothing too special, but im getting a lot of weird artifacts and some edges
Looking good, I look forward to seeing how this progresses, Nate!
Sorry, its been so long on an update. Been working a lot at my main job.
But here is an update on my hard-surface, high-poly work. Almost done with the first pass.
Haven't touched the head yet or wings. Also starting to see a lot of the engineering gaps im going to have to use my imagination to fill. Once those are done though ill be exporting to sculpt on more details. Let me know what you think!!