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New portfolio piece

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RezNik triangle
Its crickets on the job front. Mainly because my portfolio is three years out of date. I've been working on facebook games for the past three years and dont have anything that can really be used for realtime. So I'm working on getting better stuff in there.

Anyway, found a concept by Karanak on cghub that I really liked. The dude does crazy mechanical stuff.

I need some different eyes.
After Im done with normals I was wanting to use DDO before my trial runs out.
There are some shading errors and a few thing that still need to be added but yeah, what do y'all think?


Final update...


  • Computron
    Offline / Send Message
    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Looks good, maybe post more pictures.

    If you are going to use dDo, bake an object space normal map and convert it to unity tangent space with handplane3d to get perfect normals in their previewer.
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    looks cool

    well you basically model of a model , his is made in sketchup

    your wings look smaller, maybe try taking the exact same perspective instead of nearly the same , also your texturing is nearly nonexistent, just putting flat color dosnt do the job, and letting DDO do all the work clearly dosnt work either. I cant even see anything it would have done.
  • RezNik
    Offline / Send Message
    RezNik triangle
    @Computron Thanks for the tips.

    @Shrike after some digging turns out you're right. I found his process using sketchup, its on a carrier but still the same process. As for the texturing, I've only done normals so far.
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    That explains something. Well you talked about DDO so I assumed it was textured, and those black toon shader lines made me wonder if it actually was something you did in DDO
  • RezNik
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    some large shots would be nice. As far as I can see the model looks fine. Although I think your edges are too sharp. Things that work in concept (he uses sharp edges quiet often) don't always work in 3D. For the next time I would suggest to exagerate / round some of the edges. It will help to show the different details on your surfaces and increase readability of your model when viewed from a distance.

    The texturing and materials will be better judged with additional larger shots and different angles.

    For my personal taste I'm not a fan of the dirt , rust and stains all over the place. maybe because the reference has such a great appeal with athe slick and glossy surfaces. But I think an approach with wear and tear is fine as well.

    I'd suggest tone down the glowy bits. They draw too much attention from the forms they are embedded in. Also you should give the cockpit a second pass. At the moment it is not very prominent and rather looks like metal than high-gloss glass material.

    So far. Waiting for more shots.
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