Obviously a work-in-progress, so I won't critique too much. I'd say the main thing you need to nail down is your hand-painting for the textures. You've got a good start, but you really need to push the values. Everything is kind of flat right now. Try painting in some brighter highlights and darker shadows (particularly between the wood pieces on the house).
Also, a lot of the pieces looked shoved together right now rather than connected. You could bake AO for that, but I'd recommend painting it in instead as that would probably fit the style better.
Just keep going with it. I'd also love to see a wireframe too.
Hey this is a great start. Well blocked out and set up. I think you could use some props up around near the little house to help it feel used and populated. I think Heather pointed out some great stuff, definitely start painting in some pseudo lighting information - highlights, ao and such. That will help pop the textures off the model a lot.
Another thing is think a little about how you are planning on presenting this. It'd be a shame for you to do all this great work and then just have this square water floor underneath. I'd go look up some other little sets and scenes like you're trying to make and see how they did theirs. Good luck can't wait to see more!
Also, a lot of the pieces looked shoved together right now rather than connected. You could bake AO for that, but I'd recommend painting it in instead as that would probably fit the style better.
Just keep going with it.
Another thing is think a little about how you are planning on presenting this. It'd be a shame for you to do all this great work and then just have this square water floor underneath. I'd go look up some other little sets and scenes like you're trying to make and see how they did theirs. Good luck can't wait to see more!
Missing yet normal, Ao and Spec map, will improve =D
Tks man!