Now that I've left my
latest project(s) behind me, I've given myself the freedom of exploration, and not the kind that my Norwegian friends do during their weekends.
I've been having this vehicle designs in my sketchbook for a month or two, so it's nice to finally put it into action. I'll be aiming this for the summer, so I can continue with my environment work afterwards.
So the goal here is working on foundation of design to an extent and trust my gut instincts on "coolness" before function,. I've been looking at different packages, such as race cars (forumla), squids, different sci-fi vehicles designs (fore most Scott Robertson's style), to see what I can do with the forms and design language.
I'll be looking forward getting feedback from you guys while I make this journey.
So the first thing I did was some thumbnail/rough sketches (on the train to work!,sorry for the white on black high contrast).

And now I've started the rough shape blockouts. Since I'm not very good at drawing I noticed that some of my shapes doesn't transfer well to 3D, hence why I thought to explore the shapes and their validity with this type of 3D roughing.
Roughing 1

Roughing 2

Roughing 2 continued

It's not all that much yet, and I'm not very convinced about having the secondary engines attached like that. I'll give it another day or two before going into more refined blockout, that'll ill start making high poly parts from. Hopefully this will be flexible enough to remake some thing without to much of a hassle.
To be continued!
aaaaaaw yeeeeeh. The post above is pre-SSD crash and many deep night emoing over lost work. I'll keep it as sad reference to my on-train-to-work-sketching.
I dig making up stuff. This time I made up a plane you can't fly nor sit comfortably in. It has seriously bad aerodynamics, you'd probably loose all your pubes during turbulence, not to mention the shock horror when your landing gears stick out your wings when you try to bump it down on the runway. Also, don't try increasing altitude to fast, it'll probably stall during take off anyway.
But it do has flaps. So you can crash slowly and gracefully.
The hp is missing some details here and there, probably will do some stuff post somehow. The cockpit is in a blockout phase at
the moment, I'm trying to go with something not to overly detailed, but enough of things going to give it a "genuine" feel, like instant coffee.
Mainly been inspired by a strange ww2 prototype plane XF-85, and some random ww2 fighters, such as F4U Corsair.
As my bestes of best friends, Arnold would say: yaauughaahuuuh!
Now, pics.
DW: Haven't seen those, but they look fun!
So I've been doing some texture, which are not finished (landing gear and interior hasn't been touched really).
I can easily change color scheme , or add things to it if you have any idea. But what I'm struggling with most at the moment is a proper lighting setup. At the moment, I'm using the standard Castle sunset sky (Brightness around 0.3) and a three point lighting setup.
I'm thinking of an in flight action shot among the clouds, although I need a proper sky for that. And ground shot obviously.
So, hit that suggestion box up and give some lovin' so other peeps can learn something of vehicle lighting as well.
Decals, interior and other minor stuffs and I'll call this done soon.
Dethling, yeh I might go back to it one day and retake what was lost
Here's more shots including a wire shots, got a bit more banged up since last update
How does it look in a game engine
Ambershee: 17.5k-ish. I could have probably shaved off a few on the wheels, but triangles are free
Meshmodeler: Thanks Javier, appreciate it!
I'm looking forward to the write up.
I would like to see you revisit the first model, using what you have gained from creating this one to help influence the style?
Would be cool to see ^_^
I could totally see this plane in one of those top view shot em ups
The racer (low pic) grew out of the thumbnails from the first post (forgot to add a shadow plane)
And something else I'm working on at the moment. Probably need to push the values alot more when I'm close to finish this, also just flat shaded
I started working on something I sketched on during the summer, but didn't get around modeling until now. It's aimed for a iso-metric viewed type of camera (think RTS Hero mode), so I need to work on my edges a bit more. Hopefully this will be a rather quick model
It's basically just a scout/reconnaissance unit. Ideas/critiques are as always welcomed.
Got some ideas here, basically making it less square.
Almost done with the main body. Gonna give the engine another round and then finish up the leg details.