Hi there,
I'm currently working on making a prop from the ratchet and clank games. Here's the concept I've chosen to work from:

Here's what I've got so far:

I'm having an issue at the moment with making the wheelbarrow turn inwards as it gets towards the wheel. I started out with a cylinder and cut it in half to make the shape, then used the shell modifier to add volume to it.
When I try to make it go inwards it starts to look strange. Here's what my mesh looks like on the inside (this is what it looked like before I changed it, see next image)

You can see the cylinder shape here, which is giving me issues when i want to move the front part in a bit so it isn't completely paralleled.
Here's what i've changed my mesh to:

It now moves inward a lot better, but now I have the issue of the little triangle that has been made at the bottom which is affecting the clean line towards the front.
Have I gone the right way about this? or is there a better way to make this shape.
Thanks in advance
While on the main piece (half-cylinder), you can clearly see edges, as in, it's quite low poly, the horizontal cylinder seems to be VERY smooth, i'd say too smooth.
Since you put so few sides on the big cylider, i don't think it's good idea to put so many on the smaller one. I think it's good idea to try to be more consistant with spending polygons. Might be better to shave few polies from the small cylinder and rather add those to the bigger one, if anything, so that they look more consistant.
Otherwise, keep it up!
I don't think you should be all too worried about tri-counts or such at this stage though, just model a quick blockout and focus on getting the general shape down, will make it easier to proceed and work on the details later.
@Adam, I did your method of rotating it then extruding, then using the symmetry. Worked great for me thanks ^^ will post more when i have the block out finished!