Howdy folks,
I'm currently looking to hire a VFX artist to work on a fun little game I'm building for iOS.
I'm looking for someone with:
*Talent and drive
Excellent communication skills
A love of art and games
*Ability to deliver the biggest bang for buck - as this game is targeted at mobile we need good-looking particle effects that don't destroy the GPU
*Ability to draw sprite effects is a *major* plus
Established portfolio or willing to do a free demo - been burned too many times on "professional" artists who can't deliver quality work
What I'm *not* looking for:
Someone who recently stumbled onto Shuriken and thinks they can probably figure out how to do VFX but will really just throw a ton of particles around that'll destroy performance on low end devices and not really look that good anyway :poly117:
Art style to match:
If this sounds like the job for you, drop me an email at Include your name, location, a link to your portfolio, your rates, and a good joke!