Hey guys, I was board yesterday arvo so I decided to wip something up!
Done in about an hour this is what I ended up with.
Please critique!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first proper time I have used Parallaxed normals in a tight time frame. (or really at all) So if anyone has any suggestions.
I Felt the same about the floor. the normal didn't come though enough
Also, this may be a personal preference, but the presentation image is way too cluttered. A wireframe, closeups, and texture sheet is too much to focus on and they deserve more space. The wireframe and and texturesheet could be their own images and the close-ups could be on a single sheet, probably with mesh closeups in Marmoset or something.
I blew the volume lights and post work out because the scene just this hallway, so at the end it's just black and it looked so bad so I had to cap it off I guess.
just kidding, nice one! impressive as one hour task...
@Amsterdam Hilton Hotel, your completely right that's why I'm asking people's opinions so I can attack it later
I have a few ideas already which will be cool. I'm going to try and make the file scene with only 3 materials.