Hi ! I know I'm a little bit late to enter the contest but I've been super busy finishing my end of year project. Now that it's finally over, I'm free to do fun stuffs again! =D
So here's my idea : a circus knife thrower from the Victorian era. She's used to travel with the circus but now she's going solo to live great adventures!
Here's my concept
I will maybe cover her body with tattoos to make her some sort of circus freak, "The tattooed Lady" but I'll see about that while texturing as it may turn out too busy.
So I sculpted the body and face. I played a little with the proportions to get something that looks interesting. Not really satisfied with the face as it seems a little too childish, I'll have to get back at it later.
Any suggestions are more than welcomed!
Rest of her is looking pretty good digging that concept!
I can't spend more than 3 or 4 hours a day on this character because of my student job so it's taking quite some time but here's what I've made so far.
So here is what it looks like so far. Not that much of an update but I'm slowly getting there ^^
Have made some changes compared to the concept : slim pants look better in my opinion and a more complex holster for the knives. I'm currently thinking of some items to add on the legs to make them a little more busy as they seem quite bland compared to the top.
Hope you like it!
Well it looks like I ran out of time. This is what the character looks like right now. I'm currently working on the retopo.
I plan to finish this character but I want to really polish it and make it portfolio material. I'll post my progress in a new thread in "Pimping & Previews".
Just a quick reminder that the deadline for your submission has been extended: you have until tonight (Monday July 8, 11:59:59 pm PST) to email us your entry.
If you have any issue with the Auto-Rigging or Animating, our awesome support team is here to help out so feel free to email support@mixamo.com and use the word "contest" in the subject of your email so that we get back to you before the end of the day.
Good luck!