Here's the current progress!

Hello everyone. I'd like to show my practicing piece. On this one I'd like to make a weird stance, posture for a mech. Make him to have humanoid limps system (2 legs 2 arms) But kinda inhuman posture.
So here's what I start with.

I made a base mesh with spine tool in 3dCoat playing with proportion a bit and punch it into a voxel volume.
And then I sketch over the render image to give myself an idea about the details and design.

Of cause it's not done yet! I just feel like to make it.
heh, I really have to focus on designing thing to be more functional look than this one next time!
Actually I just start this from my very very rough sketch at first I intend to make something up for a base mesh comp. on GA (gameArtisans) But, in the end I change my mind about it and continue make it into my personal project
So, here's a rough sketch I'm talking about. nothing fancy just a creepy bio-mechanic thing with huge welding mask like face.
As you can see, I tweak the proportion from the sketch soo much. Just because 1. I'm freehanding stuffs in 3dCoat no reference plan setup at all. So, I kinda loose my original proportion. 2. Sometime things looks ok when it's on the paper / orthrographic side/front view but, it's turn out not so good in 3D form. So I decided to crazily tweak it.
Overall, I want this one to be very weird/inhuman posture but yet humanoid robot. Another thing I want to try on this one is trying to blend between robot joint and detail with military/scifi looking leather/plastic cloth clading or maybe some robotic muscle.
Here's I think what I'm inspired from. The Gekko! I like the posture of its leg so much.
And My fav Robotic company Boston Dynamic
Thank you very much!
It's actually designed as in attached arm unit for an electronic wheelchair.
I will design more flexible joint like.. ball joint for each finger around this ref.
Here's a promotion video of JACO. Very cool indeed. I really amazed that it can handle very delicate task like grabing small object so well.
IF its the lowpoly then you gotta work a lot on the texture. The shape looks pretty good.
I think that it's good so far but I don't quite understand its design direction or functionality. Nonetheless the model is looking cool!
Thank you! you seem to be right about the lighting rightnow. But, it's just a quick realtime render from 3D Coat. In the end If I done this into a game resolution with maps I might as well throw it to Marmoset for better presentation.
And about functionality. I gotta admit that I'm really weak and miss out for this one. It just start from random sketch And I didn't design enough about function thing.
Say, I will make him more like the topic imply, Engineering bot. With a style I experimenting like leather cladding and bright color splash.
Now time to get back to sculpt
Here's what I'm doing rightnow. I'm now redesigning the pelvis area.
And it just keep getting crazier.
Not at all pixelpatron
Rightnow I'm sketch over the head design. Not really sure about the flat design yet. But, I'll keep sketching.