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Humanoid bipedal Alien (Looking for Feedback)

polycounter lvl 11
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KyleReeceHall polycounter lvl 11
Hi im Kyle, and this is my first post on this site for quite a while. The reasoning being, and i know allot of you have probably heard this before but i never thought my work was good enough to compete with most work posted on here.

Im looking to spend allot of time in the next few months improving my current extremely outdated portfolio which can be found here: http://kylehall.carbonmade.com/

So im working on this alien character that started out as a doodle and was sculpted entirely from a sphere with dynamesh, this version is retoped with Qremesher, i liked where the forms and shapes were going so i decided to continue, im looking for any feedback that can be given, anatomical, visual, stylistic anything really just wanting to know how to improve this guy.

This is a work in progress:

Id love to here any comments or feedback, thanks allot guys.



  • sargentcrunch
  • KyleReeceHall
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    KyleReeceHall polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the reply, ill look into it, well its humanoid so yeah im following human anatomy closely, im not one of those guys who says "its not human so its right" because that just isnt the case.
  • SuPa-
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    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    Instead of making a humanoid alien I think that it would be better for you to just make a human. Everything in your outdated portfolio, besides your one stylized human character, is some sort of alien/mutant. Find some solid references and just try to make a realistic human as close as possible to those said references. Also, when you finish the high poly make sure to follow through with a low poly and texture, else wise the effort is useless. That's the best feedback I can give.
  • KyleReeceHall
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    KyleReeceHall polycounter lvl 11
    I agree that's what i should do, i just always start with some sort of weird face and end up going with it. I think my effort would be more suited to creating a human male to begin with and from there i can branch off. Thanks for the reply.
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