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Gunne - King Kid Hoarder

polycounter lvl 12
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ichidan polycounter lvl 12
Hey Guys,

So i finally stop being lazy and final got this model done so that i can comfortably move onto other things i really want to achieve and do.

I really dont want to be that guy that says he loves art and wants to be a game artist, but does nothing...and there is no other way to prove that then to show that i actually do work, by posting stuff up here here it is, the final stuff for this character.

Posed Render (Marmoset)

Other Posed Renders (Marmoset)

Wireframe (Xoliul Shader 2)

I plan for everyone to see alot more of me, as at the moment i dont think i can call myself an artist. So many things i would change if i was to do it again right now but id rather work on others things first to broaden my portfolio :).

Either way let me know what you guys think!
This is posted else where here but its quite an old post so i figured id put this up because no one will see the old one.

Thanks guys :)


  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey there, the first two images don't work for me!
    I can only see the wireframe (wich look great btw)!
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    i LOVE the face.

    It's really hard making appealing children's faces in stylized 3d and you did a great job.

    Really if anything i think the only thing letting the piece down if your colour scheme and the material definition. Like the fur looks like porcelain and her shirt looks really strange. I would avoid putting in lighting information like highlights on the peaks in the texture. A normal map is there so that we could stop painting this information in, and it hurts the piece as the lighting is fighting it.
  • ichidan
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    ichidan polycounter lvl 12
    ahhh damn >.< so many upload sites dont work!
    Just tried another one and updated it, hopefully it works :)

    Thanks for checking him out though :)
  • Muzzoid
    Online / Send Message
    Muzzoid greentooth
    He is a boy?

    Dammit, i thought i was a girl :/.
  • ichidan
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    ichidan polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks alot i appriciate it :) I did have a bit a trouble with the face for a while but im glad its working!

    Thanks for the feedback too, material definition is something im still learning i guess, its one of the things i have problems with in this pieces too. Okay ill avoid putting highlights into the diffuse next time, im still a pretty huge noob haha.

    haha good, its part of a pun i had for this character anyway :P
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Yeah I thought it was a girl at first as well, guess its the hair and eyeliner :D Still really cool result and presentation!
  • ichidan
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    ichidan polycounter lvl 12
    haha thanks man :D and yeah its part of a pun for the character, ill probably do a short comic about this character so people have more of an idea in still image of what this character is like :P
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