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MODO 701 - Vertex Normal Toolkit

polycounter lvl 17
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Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
If you're a MODO user, I've put together a toolkit for controlling vertex normals.

It includes;
- A bunch of tools for controlling edge smoothing (Maya-style), but also has full smoothing group support (better than MODO's native support).

- Some "final pass" normals options, including area weighting, angle weighting and "high quality" normal calculations for better non-planar poly normals.

- A tool for converting vertex morph maps to vertex normals and options to set up vertex normal map naming.

- A tool for transferring normals from the background mesh to the foreground mesh (like the Normal Thief 3DSMax plugin).

Tool tips should give enough instructions for use.

Bear in mind that the vertex normals get baked in object space, so if you've made any geometry edits, you'll need to hit the "Update Smoothing" button.

You can find it over on the Luxology forums here.



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