Hi folks
I'm going to do the model of a character that have to be rendered in UDK with directx11 for my dissertation. I'd like to set up the model with the features that the next generation videogames (ps4 and xbox1)are able tu support in terms of triangles count, texture size and number of uv layouts, but actually I didn't manage to find this kind of information. Does anyone know either anything about it or where to find this kind of information?
thanks in advance! :-)
There aren't any hard specs for that right now, but you can get some idea from the hardware level.
Nextgen console = about current to last year's high end PC graphics settings.
There will likely be better performance than an equally speced windows PC, due to not having to deal with the general purpose operating system overhead, but they're still less capable than the PC's which will be out then.
So for polycount stuffs, you can easily guess that they'll be able to push a few million on screen at once, with characters from 10k(shooter mook)-200k(LOD-0 for a car or a 1v1 fighter with bland environments) depending on genre.
for ref Polycount Wiki on Polycounts
So while the upcoming consoles have 6x the raw processing power of current gen stuff, that won't directly translate to 6x the polys, as you get into stuff like more complex lighting models, environmental effects, etc.
Also this should likely be put more in General Discussion than the UDK forum specifically.
That's a wee bit old, and that may be the animation model count rather than the sub-d render model count.. but really, you could always write to ILM and ask, if its an educational project you're working on.
Materials and lighting.. especially lighting, definitely are key to selling the shots.
Anyway yes I'm working on my dissertation for a master course, is ILM on polycount?
For an actual video game, Guerilla Games shared what models they're using for next gen.
" ► 6 x 2k x2k textures for character body
. Plus detail maps and head textures
. 10ppi, everything authored as 4k "
They say they starting with 4096, and reduce the size of the texture in 2048. ok
But 6x 2048px for just the body, So we have 6 different ID for the body ?
They don't specify how many UV layout they use for head too ?
And is it 6 UV layout in total ? or for example 6 just diffuse map, so the same for spec/gloss/roughness/emissive/opacity/translucency/etc ?
I'm searching this answer about how many UVs Layouts on internet, and i don't find it ... I need your help Polycounters !
Thanks !